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"I found it," Trevor shouted from ahead. Elizabeth squinted to where he was, looking for what he had found. When she reached him, she could see the glittering gold of the door from between the rocks. He dropped the torch immediately, the beam rolling towards Elizabeth's feet.

"Careful," she snapped. She dodged the rolling beam before picking it up to stop what little light they had extinguished.

Trevor grunted in her direction and began throwing the rocks to one side to reveal more and more of the door. He grew agitated with the group watching him do so.

"Well, are you going to help?" Sypha stepped backward, knowing they were too heavy for her to move and Elizabeth pointed to the torch and shrugged at him.

"What about you?" Trevor pointed his question at Alucard who smiled with his fangs before snatching up the rock with a furious speed and launching them far away from the group. Elizabeth's eyes went wide as she tried to keep up with each rock as it flew through the air. Even once he had cleared the area, not a bead of sweat was on him nor did his breath sound ragged. At that moment, she envied the vampire. Only for a moment.

"Your entrance looks like a hearthstone," he remarked, swishing his hair back as he stood up.

"Yeah..." Trevor said sheepishly. Elizabeth patted him on the back and handed the torch back to him.

"Congratulations, you've unearthed a bit of stone," Alucard smirked. Elizabeth sent him a warning look, Trevor was already embarrassed, no need to add to the situation.

"It's definitely the door," Elizabeth stated. She was surprised the door had survived, she knew some of the integrity of the hold would have stayed intact but she had never thought that the door would have. She had thought that perhaps a group of bandits passing through may have found a way to pilfer it and sell it.

"Do we lift it..or?" Sypha asked, looking at its edges for hinges or something to hold onto.

It was now that Alucard struggled, his hands locked either side of the door and pulling with all his might to lift it. She could see his arms trembling. He grunted as he fought hard to lift it but the door wouldn't budge.

"That's odd. I can't seem to get any purchase on it," he remarked, wiping the bead of sweat with his sleeve. Sypha crouched beside him and began to study the innate markings that adorned the door. She whispered under her breath as her fingers followed the lines of the markings.

Elizabeth and Trevor shared a look and shrugged, unable to contribute to the conversation or effort with any real answers.

Sypha whispered something to Alucard who nodded in agreement, "I think I understand now. You won't be able to lift it," she stated. Elizabeth sent her a quizzical look.

"Our family got it up somehow?" she said with unease. "We were taken down there as children,".

"Did you see them lift it?" Elizabeth opened her mouth and bunched her eyebrows together, trying to recollect whether she had seen them do so.

"No," Trevor confirmed, "They told us they'd teach us how to open it one day, there must have been a special trick to it,".

"Were your parents' magicians?" this made Elizabeth snort, her father struggled with even the most basic tasks let alone anything magical.

"Not as such" she finished, still laughing to herself.

Trevor shook his head and placed his palm on his forehead, "They knew a lot but this," he motioned at the gilded door, "was put in by one of our ancestors,".

Sypha pondered for a moment, "Well, I guess the special trick was passed down through the generations. The way we Speakers transmit knowledge. Your parents would have known the trick but not where it really came from or what it really meant,". She looked sad when she spoke about Speakers, they knew she desperately missed her family.

She shook her head and held her arms out, her sleeves sagging slightly.

"Please, step back all of you," she commanded before gesturing with her hands and concentrating on what she wished to do. Elizabeth was sure to take an extra step backward so the vampire's looming figure shielded her partially. If anything was to go wrong, it was better to have the immortal being as her shield than nothing.

Sypha's muttering grew louder as a bright white light emanated from her fingertips. The light grew brighter and brighter as she continued to mutter. The light turned blue and rippled along the door like ripples in a pond. Elizabeth took another step back. The light became blinding. Elizabeth used Alucard's arm to shield her eyes. Alucard shuffled to allow her better protection and smiled.

When Elizabeth opened her eyes again and peeked from behind the vampire, the door disappeared. Her mouth fell open as she approached it. "Open sesame," Sypha said, beaming at Trevor who mirrored Elizabeth's expression. The twins were in awe of her at this moment.

"Was that Enochian?" Alucard asked, stepping closer to the stairs.

"Yes," She said. What's Enochian? Elizabeth thought to herself, looking at her brother for answers.

"Well, well. The naughty Belmonts hunting demonic things in the forest but sitting on a magic door opened by occult magic," Alucard teased.

"I didn't know it was a fucking magic door, did I? Doesn't make us black magicians," Trevor responded, turning his face away from him. He tried not to rise to Alucard's antics by walking ahead but Alucard didn't let up.

"But you do know that Teloch means 'of death', don't you? The vampire purred at him. Now he was getting on Elizabeth's nerves.

"Enough Alucard," she warned, barging past his shoulder after her brother. She almost slipped on loose dust but regained her balance and shrugged it off.

"This is a magic door of death," he teased again from behind her.

"Are you coming or not?" she barked, seeing Trevor's shoulders rise and tense in the firelight. 

Belmont Twins (OC x Alucard)Where stories live. Discover now