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There they stood, on the edge of the hold, staring straight up at Dracula's castle. Elizabeth sucked in a sharp breath of cold air as she took in the immense size of the imposing tower that reached up toward the bloody moon. Below her were hundreds of written accounts, and yet, not a single one of them could capture just how haunting this sight was.

"Still with us, Belmont?" Alucard said as he nudged her with his elbow, his eyes focused on the tallest room of the tower. A flame flickered through the window, revealing a single, darkened silhouette standing behind the window pane.

With a powerful swing, she brought her sword up over her shoulder and said, "Just try and stop me." The mischievous glint in her eye eased him.

The four of them stood in the shadow of the tower, looking more like beggars than heroes, their clothes tattered and their faces covered in dirt. The son of Dracula, a scholar magician, and twin hunters. Every choice they had made had led them here, whether they wanted it or not. They were born for this moment. The sun would rise, and by their hand, Dracula would fall.

"Alucard, are you sure you're up for this?" Trevor asked. He needed to know what awaited them, needed to know that he could count on Alucard when the time came down to it. Talking about the cause was one thing, being the one to take the final blow was another, it was still his father at the end of the day.

"No..." He gripped his sword so tightly that it rattled against his hip, "...But this ends tonight,"

So then, moving as one, they marched toward the gates of hell, without any idea what awaited them and no plan of escape. Elizabeth gave a sidelong glance at Alucard, as Sypha looked at Trevor out of the corner of her eye - each of them looking with so many words unspoken.

It was Trevor who broke their silence, "Let's kill Dracula!" and with a heavy kick from them all, the towering doors opened.

Inside, there was already a bloody battle raging. Desiccated corpses were spread over the floor, and blood splattered the walls. Blue-flamed sconces covered the walls, but they only illuminated the further bloodshed along the long corridor and onto two ivory-coloured stairs. Ten, fifteen, no - twenty vampires who were biting at each other only moments ago slowly turned to face the interlopers. A fearful tremor rippled along Elizabeth's spine to see so many red eyes upon her.

"That's a lot of teeth..." Sypha admitted with a gulp, already the flames at her fingertips were flickering with her own anxiety.

"We've faced worse,"

"Have we??" Elizabeth snapped.

The eyes of the vampires glowed as each of them hissed menacingly, approaching the group like wolves ready to attack. Trevor, quickly picking up the Morningstar chain, said "Elizabeth and I will terrify them, Sypha disorients them, and Alucard...go for the kill."

With a sharp sting, Alucard's sword sang as the sheath was removed. The sound bounced across the vast room, before echoing back to them with such power that it sent electricity bristling over Elizabeth's skin. She breathed in the hair-raising energy, bending both knees. She chanced one last look at Alucard. Alucard's eyes were cold, but his mouth was set in a determined line as he met her gaze.

"Now!" Trevor yelled, the chain flying from his fingers toward the first row of vampires. One by one, they fell like dominoes; caught helplessly in the spin of the weapon, almighty flames incinerating them from the inside out.

Through the raging fire, Elizabeth leapt after him with her sword held high over her head. The gruesome smile on her face perfectly reflected back at her in the eyes of an armoured vampire. He didn't have time to react before Seethe cleanly cut two in his head. All the next vampire saw was the black spray of blood as her unsettling eyes landed on him. Soon he fell too, with her knife jutting out of his chest.

Behind her, Sypha summoned flames that kissed the high ceilings, snaking them past the columns and encircling the twins in fire. The remaining vampires were backing up the stairs, looking for an escape quickly being blocked in. With no other options, the vampires were forced to face the twins head-on. Two attempted to jump over the flames, only to be cut down by the whip with a harrowing scream. Another hoped to sneak through the flames, only to be impaled with long stakes of ice.

Moving at an impossible speed, a black and blonde blur shot past Elizabeth so quickly that it whipped her hair into a frenzy. Alucard danced through the flames, his sword following after him. It was different than when he'd fought with the twins, before he fought to test them, to challenge them - to see if they were worthy of their name. Now, he fought using every ounce of that vampiric power that beat in his chest, indomitable and fearless. It both frightened and thrilled her.

"You want me to do all the work by myself?" Elizabeth ran after him, grinning from ear to ear as she ran.

When she breached the flames, she stopped in her tracks. A great white wolf was sinking its dripping maw into a vampire's throat, its razor-sharp teeth tearing through the vampire's jugular. She was prepared to swing her sword at it - thinking it was a hellhound because of its enormous size. But those familiar amber eyes met hers.

Taking advantage of the momentary distraction, a massive vampire slammed into Elizabeth with enough force to send her flying into the stone pillars. The sudden impact of the blow knocked all the air out of her lungs, and she struggled to catch her breath. Seethe was violently torn from her fingers, and it slid across the hard surface of the marble floor away from her.

The vampire, upon seeing her, bared its fangs and dove for her. Without Seethe or her knife, she was forced to use her agility to dodge the blow. The vampire's fist broke through the pillar, punching cleanly through the other side. Elizabeth kicked out at his legs, a loud crack emanating from its knee sockets. The vampire was momentarily stunned, and Elizabeth seized the opportunity to jump for its back. Using the twisted fabric of her cape as a noose, she was able to take the vampire down. It clawed at her and shrieked, thrashing in its final moments before she separated its skull from its neck. The vampire quickly burst into a plume of smoke.

Elizabeth quickly skidded over to her sword. The flames had dropped, and three vampires in unusual clothing were charging for her brother and Sypha. On the other side of the room was Alucard, fighting off two more vampires. She wasn't sure who to help, who to run to - Alucard was clearly outnumbered, yet Trevor's back was against the wall. Sypha seemed to be the only one handling her fight well, a thin sheet of ice slicing a vampire in half.

"Elizabeth!" Both men shouted, struggling to keep up.

Looking between them, she dived for the closest; Alucard. Sypha could help Trevor, it was Alucard who needed her. She went to the first vampire in her path, a female wrapped in exquisite blue who flew towards with both hands extended out like talons. She looked like a harpy, saliva and blood spraying from her curved lips as she descended upon Elizabeth. Swinging upwards with a flourish, Elizabeth deftly deflected the claws. With a growl of frustration, the vampire twisted in the air and came down again for Elizabeth's exposed back. Spinning outwards and dragging the sword with her, she used her back foot for balance and executed a perfect pirouette before slamming into the vampire. The vampire made a soundless snarl, as her chest was cleaved open by the speed and force of the movements.

As she finished flicking the dust from Seethe, Alucard cut down the other vampire. They quickly glanced back at the entrance to see Sypha's burning palm disintegrate the last vampire. He stepped in front of Elizabeth and spread his arms out, shielding her from the harsh flames.

"This is going well," she said, looking up at him.

"Don't jinx us, we're not finished yet."

Belmont Twins (OC x Alucard)Where stories live. Discover now