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The ground beneath them suddenly gave way, and they quickly found themselves falling; barely having time to react as they saw the blur of blue and red around them.

Elizabeth quickly ripped open the straps around her sword and wrapped her hands tightly around the hilt, pointing the sharp edge towards the stone below. She could see Trevor throwing himself in front of Sypha to shield her from the fall. The Speaker chanted, using her magic to soften the landing for them both. For just a moment, the air around them slowed their fall, making the thud on impact much softer. Elizabeth's sword, which had been thrust deep into the stone, took the brunt of the impact away from her body.

The thud echoed through the room, meaning that wherever they were, it was big. Elizabeth yanked at the sword with all her might, her muscles burning and sweat beginning to bead from her forehead as it slowly came free, almost toppling her over. Trevor hadn't looked over yet, he was already checking Sypha over and pulling her to her feet. The pair stood closely for a moment, both of them silently taking in the other's appearance. Elizabeth grunted, resting the sword along her shoulder, before finally breaking the silence.

Her companions seemed to come out of their trance abruptly. She shot her brother a look.

Sypha crept further into the darkness, a tiny flame flickering above her fingers. "I believe we're in the catacombs," she whispered, still catching her breath. "I think we've gone deeper than I went before."

Elizabeth felt a rumble under her boots and, without thinking, shoved Trevor forward, narrowly saving him from being crushed by the traps. The machines roared and clunked like clockwork as the companions tried to dodge them. The room was suddenly filled with the sound of them, clunking and wheezing as great blades swung to and fro. She couldn't determine where they would hit, so she used the momentum of the air to try to steer clear of them. She quickly snatched the whip from Trevor and wrapped it around her sword, using it as a lance to help them swing to safety. Trevor realised what she was doing and held tightly onto the two women as they were pulled off the structure. Sypha screamed as they swung further into the dark abyss.

Elizabeth was jolted as her own weapon came down from above. The sword was too heavy to stick and crashed towards them. She swung the trio to the left to avoid the plummeting blade. She barely had time to register the sensation of the rushing air before it collided with the next layer of stone. Elizabeth rolled to take the impact, saving her brother. With another bone-jarring thud, they landed.

Elizabeth gasped for air, the force of her brother's body slamming into her had winded her. She rolled so her belly touched the floor and tried to breathe. As Trevor moved, his body clicked and cracked with each movement. Trevor's eyes were wide and unblinking as he stared at his sister, his face was red and sweaty, and his body was trembling. Sypha stood up unscathed, brushing the dirt off her clothes, and tapping her foot impatiently at the twins.

"Next time, let's take the stairs instead," Elizabeth joked, breathing heavily, and her brother who had managed to stand chuckled in response. He reached out his hand to his sister, lending a helping hand to pull her up to her feet. They embraced briefly before retrieving their weapons.

They had fallen into some kind of antechamber. The room was long and thin, with eerie lights that didn't flicker like lanterns, and a cold feeling that seemed to seep into her bones. It was as if the very atmosphere of the place was trying to drain the life out of her.

Elizabeth had spent hours in their family library reading scriptures, excerpts and texts about Dracula's castle, and every time she saw another detail; it matched the accounts. Trevor was just as unsettled as she was. She swung the sword high and balanced it again over her shoulder. The other hand resting on the knife at her hip.

Belmont Twins (OC x Alucard)Where stories live. Discover now