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The troupe had been travelling for hours, the rocking and swaying of the caravan had turned Elizabeth's stomach. She had tried every distraction she could think of; humming, conversing, sharpening her sword and even playing with the small leather cord she kept for typing back her hair. The methods had only succeeding in irritating her travelling companions. Sypha grumpily huffed at her and subtly clamped her hands over her ears as she tried to rest.

Elizabeth could take no longer and yelled for them to stop before stumbling out of the cart to relieve her stomach of its contents. She scuffed her knees on impact but managed to yank the strands around her face out of the way. "Oh god..." she moaned, more thick liquid erupting from her throat and splattering on the snow. Trevor stopped a few feet away from her, sprinting over to his sister. She held out her arm to stay 'stop' as he approached her. Trevor gagged when he saw her hunched over retching and covered his nose before backing away towards the trailer.

She struggled to regain her breath for a moment, taking the end of her cloak to wipe the saliva from her chin. She stood alone, patting her forehead with her sleeve. Her clammy skin was turned vermillion by the cold. She stumbled back towards the cart. Elizabeth felt the icy chill run down her spine, she began shivering.

"Elizabeth..." her brother strained to stay, rubbing the top of her back. Trevor leaned his neck backwards and rubbed his sister's back with the lightest touch possible. She turned to him, "You're not helping".

He retreated quickly and let out a sigh of relief, 'Thank god, that was disgusting," he trudged back over to Sypha and helped her down from the wagon, letting her down easily. Elizabeth just stared at them angrily. Trevor would have dropped her.

"What an abhorrent display," Alucard remarked in disgust behind. He moved in utter silence; she was sure his feet never touched the earth. Alucard glared at Sypha and Trevor ahead of them, leaning against the trailer which slumped a little from the pressure.

"What does that mean?" Elizabeth burped, turning to him. Elizabeth raised an eyebrow at him.

"You can't see it? It's disgusting," he said, gesturing at them. Elizabeth followed his gaze but was still none the wiser as to the source of his ire.

"You're going to have to elaborate, vampire".

"Well that! He's salivating all over her like a dog in heat," Alucard gestured wildly at them, becoming angrier.

Elizabeth just stared blankly and shook her head slowly before replying, "Alucard, he's just helping her off the wagon. It's perfectly innocent..." she paused for a second before smiling at him, "Are you jealous?" she asked quietly. The vampire looked perturbed for a moment. She could have sworn she saw his pale cheeks flush for a second.

"I don't know what you mean," he snapped, flicking his head to one side. The motion looked more like a tick than a purposeful movement. Elizabeth couldn't help but giggle, the situation bizarre even to her. Vampires' couldn't feel, they were soulless monsters.

"I mean Trevor isn't into that sort of thing so I'm sure if you asked, she'd oblige her amazing saviour" she laughed sarcastically and mockingly batted her eyelashes at him. Alucard scrunched his face and walked away, muttering under his breath.

Belmont Twins (OC x Alucard)Where stories live. Discover now