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A series of screams shattered the silence of the trees. Elizabeth sprang up from the branch she was perching on, startled. Her dark gloved hands gripped her chest in fright. Phew, she thought to herself, her body now wide awake and alert. It was still early, the morning dew clinging to the leaves. The sun had only just started to peek through the trees, with ribbons of red and gold painting the sky.

Ahead of them was Gresit. A mass of heavily fortified walls and oppressive towers. Once upon a time, it was a military fort, now it was a cage filled with easy picking for the night creatures. Bodies were impaled on spikes that lined its walls - what remained of them, anyway - as a warning and a promise. The hoard must have hit the city in the night, sweeping further north.

Those pigs from the tavern were right.

Elizabeth stretched her legs by crouching on the branch. It rudely groaned as her weight shifted. Through the thinner branches, she could see that her brother was still leaning against her sword, fast asleep. The gurgled, drunken snores gave him away. A smirk crossed her face. After making sure her hair was tucked securely into her hood, she fastened her mask over the lower half of her face, before jumping down into the glade below.

"FUCK!" her brother screamed as she landed on him. He quickly grabbed for his whip in confusion, preparing to fight. Elizabeth couldn't help but giggle when she saw his groggy face drop in anger. "Was that necessary?" he groaned, gripping his head as it felt like it was splitting open.

"To be perfectly honest, I don't think my day would have been able to cope without it, dear brother," she said sweetly as she refastened her sword to her back.

"Where are we?" he asked, his deep voice barely understandable over the cracking of his joints.

"Gresit", she whispered softly, offering him her water skin. He quickly snatched it out of her hands and gulped it all down, gasping for breath afterwards. Well, they definitely needed to make a stop now, the last of their water dribbling down his chin.

"Bloody Gresit. The last stop between us and starvation," He barged past her to the hill that overlooked the fortified city.

"The next town is a good forty miles away. I doubt you'd manage it," she quipped.

"I wouldn't manage it?"

"I believe the shakes are already setting in. What makes you think forty miles will be any better?" He pulled his cloak to cover his hands, both of them moving towards the city in silence.

The pair could see the last remnants of the horde scurrying like rats away from the daylight, dragging their kills with them. One of them had a still-crying baby wedged between its fangs. Bile crept up Elizabeth's throat, her brother sent her a glance, and a comforting half smile. Trevor was never any good with words, but he tried to be kind, sometimes.

As they grew closer, the twins could smell smoke - the bodies needed to be burned to halt the spread of disease. barricades They shared a look, "No one's getting in or out. Pretty sure they wouldn't do that just to deny us breakfast".

Her eyes drifted over to an overflowing pipe. The land was waterlogged, so the liquid spilled out across the clearing around the side. She made her way across to it, before stopping sharply as the foul smell went up her nostrils. She hissed and retched for a moment. Trevor looked broken, "Well, ladies first."

Elizabeth tied her pale cloak around her waist and made sure her belongings were secured, before hopping from debris to debris to the huge gaping pipe. Trying not to fall into the sewage below, she ignored the squelch of her boots. She cautiously hopped onto the ledge next to the pipe, and as Trevor got closer, she could hear a whooshing noise coming from the pipe. Quickly grabbing hold of him, she threw him to the other side of the pipe. Raw sewage thundered out of the pipe; the fresh smell was nauseating.

Belmont Twins (OC x Alucard)Where stories live. Discover now