You find out your child is/got someone pregnant

Start from the beginning

Louis Tomlinson: "Leo, Emma! Come down for breakfast," You yelled up the stairs then walked back into the kitchen where your husband sat drinking tea and skimming through his Ipad. You kissed Lou on the cheek as he playfully gave your bum a slap when you walked back, you giggled at your cheeky husband and sat beside him as you heard your two kids coming down the stairs whispering and bickering. Once they entered they grew quiet and plastered a smile on their faces "Good morning mum, you look beautiful, good morning dad, looking smooth as always," Leo said in his usual perky self. Emma rolled her eyes at her older brother and sat down quickly "Morning,' She said glumly. You raised your eyebrow slightly at her but then shrugged your shoulders "Well dig in, I made pancakes today,' You said smiling as you watched your kids stack their plates with pancakes, Emma adding more than usual, which struck you odd because she had a small appetite. "We've got a match on Tuesday so Julian is coming over later today to practice, if that's alright with you guys?" Leo asked as he poured strawberry syrup on his pancakes. "Of course, Julian is welcomed here anytime," You said happily. Leo was in the same football team as Nialls' son Julian 'Ha, awesome, look Emma you get to see your lil boyfriend today," Leo teased "Shut it, you tosser,' Emma hissed. You ignored your kids bickering. "Got to use the loo, give me a sec," Louis said as he stood up and went to the bathroom. Less than a minute later Louis came back with something in his hand "Hey love, are... are you pregnant?" Louis asked confused as he looked at the pregnancy test that you just noticed. You knew it wasn't yours so your first reaction was to look at your daughter who was now burying her face into her hands as Leo tried not to snicker. "Oh God! Emma! What the hell?" Louis said as soon as he connected the dots. 'Daddy I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" She chanted. "Emma go to your room now, I'll come up in a minute," You told her sternly as she quickly ran up the stairs. "Leo you better tell Julian that if he wants to keep his jewels in tact that he better not come over, at least not today," You told Leo who quickly grabbed his phone and walked out the kitchen. "I'm calling Niall, God dammit!" Louis said.

Niall Horan: "Alright so, your match is on Tuesday, Dalila has a play on Monday and I have a check up on Monday but in the morning," You said going over the schedule so far for the week coming up. You sat at the round table in your kitchen that occupied your two kids and your husband who was stuffing his face with food. You smiled happily at your family then down at your big pregnant stomach, you were almost due in a week. "You remember all your words?" Niall questioned Dalila as she sipped her tea. "Course I do dad, I've got them all memorized and timed," She said proudly. You looked over at your oldest, Julian, his brunette hair tousled and his face unnaturally pale. Before you had a chance to ask him what was wrong Nialls cell phone went off "Oh It's Lou, give me a second," Niall said answering his phone. Your attention went back to Julian who looked about ready to vomit. "WHAT? You've got to be kidding me?....Alright I'll phone ya in a bit," Nialls neck became a bit red as he hung the phone up and stared directly at Julian. "Anything you want to confess buddy?" Niall asked his piercing blue eyes meeting his sons ice blue eyes. It was strange how identical they looked, only difference was that Julian had more cheek bone. Your son gulped and started sweating slightly "What happened Niall?" You asked confused. "Our son here has gotten Emma Tomlinson pregnant!" Niall almost shouted. You gasped and slapped your hand over your mouth. "Julian! She's sixteen for Gods sake, how could you?" You asked. "Mum, I love her! I didn't mean to get her pregnant but I can't help that I love her, I know what I did was reckless but there isn't anything I could do now," He said mumbling in defeat. Nialls eyes softened a bit and you almost aw'd "Listen here mate, you are going to go over to the Tomlinsons home and you are going to apologize and sort this whole mess up, you here me lad?" Niall said sternly "You better be faithful to that girl, you hear me?" He added. Julian nodded " Yes dad,"

Zayn Malik: "Zayn, I'm a bit concerned about Valerie," You said to your husband as you sat n your bed. "Why is that?" Zayn asked as he rubbed his bare chest while looking at the ceiling as he laid on the bed. "It's been almost a month and she hasn't asked me to buy her, you know pads and what not," You said. Zayn looked at you strangely as slightly sat up "So, maybe she buys them herself or something?" He offered. You shook your head no "No, I don't think so she usually asks me to get them when I go to the store," You told him. "I think she may be pregnant," "What? wha the hell no, she better not be, I swear I will kill the kid," Zayn said sitting up more and scooting to the edge to stand up. "Boo calm down I said I think, I may be wrong," You hurriedly walked over to Zayn and gripped his forearm. "I won't rest until I find out for sure now," He said as he made his way out the room and toward Valeries room. You followed behind and cursed yourself, you didn't want Valerie to get in trouble but if it was true she had to face the consequences. Zayn swung the door open "Knock much?" Valerie questioned as he sat up from her bed. "Are you pregnant, tell me the truth young lady!" Zayn blurted out. Valeries beautiful tanned face turned pale as she stared at her dad, shit it was true you thought. "H-how? I-" "VALERIE MALIK HOW COULD YOU BE SO STUPID?" Zayn shouted as he threw his hands in the air. Valerie started crying as her dad freaked out. You needed to control the situation before Zayn went mad "Zayn babe! Calm the hell down there are better ways to solve this then shouting," You cooed as he started to simmer down at the sound of your voice. "I swear to you Valerie, if I see that boy anywhere near this house I'm going to castrate his small balls," Zayn threatened as he stormed out the room. "He hates me mummy," Your daughter sobbed. You sat next to her and embraced her "No he doesn't sweetheart, it's just shocking since your his baby girl, he loves you no matter what, it's going to be okay," You said as you tried to comfort your teen daughter.


Hey so i was wondering that if i were to make a magcon imagines book would you guys read it??

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