• Twenty Two •

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  "Right!" You shouted as you chased after Asta. He could run up the stairs much faster than you, so you decided to fly instead. When he saw you do this, he had an idea.

  "(Y/N)! Could you fly the both of us to the top? It'll be way quicker!"  You grinned and held your hand out, letting him grab onto your forearm. You took a second to adjust to his weight before flying faster than you first time and trying not to bump into any walls as you flew up the spiral staircase. When you reached the entrance after a short time of flying, you let go of Asta and stopped flying so you could run beside him. He got his sword out of his grimoire and started to run forward. He yelled out before hitting Gueldre with the sword, taking him by surprise. His invisibility cancelled out and he came skidding to a stop.

  "You shouldn't have been able to see me! How?! How were you able to attack me?!" Asta didn't answer him. There was no reason for him to know how. Asta instead pushed off the ground to go after Gueldre.

  "Don't mock me! I'm a Magic Knights Captain! You magicless peasent! And you, girl! Just because you have a four-leaf clover grimoire, that doesn't make you any more special!" Guldre used the same creation spell to make 3 soldiers. One was made right in front of Asta, so he blocked it just in time, but still got knocked back. You grabbed him by his shirt as he almost flew by you so he wouldn't go any farther, but the soldier went after him again and knocked him back anyways. The other two came after you. You created your sharpshooter and aimed for one of the soldiers lower leg. You shot its leg, causing it to lose it's footing. When it did, you shot its neck, killing it. The other approached your side. With little time to react as it swung its sword at you, you held up your sharpshooter sideways like you were blocking it with a sword. You then kicked the figure in the stomach so it stumbled backwards. That's when Asta came up and slashed it in half.

  "You look better when you're groveling on the ground!" Gueldre went to run away, but Asta stopped him with words.

  "Not yet! We're not letting you get away! The Magic Knights Captains that we admire so much wouldn't run away over something like this!" He yelled at him, Gueldre rethinking running. 

  "Very well. If you want to die that badly... I shall grant your wish for you!" Before he could use whatever spell he was going to use, you heard a lighthearted voice come from behind you calling out to Gueldre.

  "Hold still for a sec." Captain Rill sent waves of his picture magic at Gueldre, trapping him. The spell looked similar to Noelle's Sea Dragon's Lair. You couldn't see inside the spell, but you could hear Gueldre struggling against something. You and Asta walked up to Captain Rill as he smiled and waved his paintbrush around.

  "Picture Magic: Spring of Restriction." Rill revealed the completed stage of the spell, which was Gueldre trapped in a hot spring painting.

  "Ah, yes, Mr. Poizot, you're a picture-perfect fellow. I think I'll call this... "The Drowning Captain". What do you think?" Captain Rill examined his new painting.

  "What kind of magic is this?!" Asta asked, stunned.

  "Captain Rill uses Picture Magic. Basically, he can-" Before you could answer him, a huge explosion came from the entrance behind you. Captain Charlotte, Nozel, Yami, Dorothy, and Jack all stood on chucks on rocks that seemed to be caused by Captain Nozel, since his mercury magic was grabbing some smaller rocks.

  "Keke, I lost the chance to let loose on a captain. The guy resembles a ham exactly, so he would've been perfect to slice up." Captain Jack cackled.

  "We're Magic Knight Captains. We can't just sit around and space out. We have to at least strike a pose." Captain Yami added. He looked over at Captain Dorothy to see if she would actually be awake now, but of course, she wasn't.

Since We Were Young {Asta x Reader} {Slow Updates}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz