• Birthday Special •

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Hey! So here's the special chapter I talked about last chapter-today (November 9th) is my birthday! I figured I'd write this quick chapter today, so next week the normal story will continue! Thank you for the support!
Abbreviations to know:
(Y/N) = Your First Name
(F/C) = Favorite Color
(F/A) = Favorite Animal
(F/F) = Favorite Flower(s)

You awoke to the sound of the Black Bulls base being unusually quiet. Around this time, which is almost 10:30 AM, you usually heard explosions coming from around the base or laughing from your squad mates. Today was your birthday, but you had assumed most of them were still sleeping. You fixed your hair a little and trudged through the hall to the kitchen to get some water. As you walked into the main room, you almost jumped out of your skin when you were attacked with confetti and everyone jumped out at you.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY (Y/N)!!" They all screamed at once. Vanessa had used her magic to create a banner saying the same thing as what they had yelled. You felt way overjoyed at the fact that they had remembered. At your house, Yuuma was usually the only one to remember your birthday. They pushed you over to the couch and made you sit down, everyone shoving their present in your face, wanting theirs to be opened first. You took the one closest to you, being Charmy's. It wasn't wrapped, so you saw right away what it was. It was a basket with a bunch of assorted sweets. It was probably enough sugar to keep you up for a few nights. You thanked her and moved on to the next one, Vanessa's. This time, it was wrapped. The content on the inside felt thin and soft. Once it was unwrapped, whatever part of a long (F/C) dress that wasn't held fell to the floor. Everyone "ooo"ed at the sight of it. What made it even better is that Vanessa had used her own threads to make it. She volunteered to go hang it up in your closet, so you handed it to her. Luck eagerly handed you his gift next. Inside the box was a stuffed (F/A). He knew how much you liked them, so he said when he saw it in the shop, he had to get it for you. You smiled and thanked him, sitting the plush down next to you. Magna handed you a small pouch. When you took out what was inside, you realized it was the same glasses he had. You put them on and everyone started laughing. You did too of course. They looked ridiculous on you. Magna was in tears, so you were pretty sure he got them for you just to get a good laugh. You placed them on your head as Finral handed you a black box. Inside was a necklace which had a few pearls on it. It looked like it costed a lot, so you were really grateful for it. You clipped it on and let it dangle around your neck. Noelle practically shoved another small box into your hands. It was slightly smaller than Finral's gift. She looked away as you opened it. It was a bracelet with the Silva family emblem on it in (F/C).

"I got it from my house, but it wasn't easy. Don't let it go to waste." She closed her eyes, but you slipped it on and told her it was beautiful. Gordon passed you a small bag that was a little heavy. When you took out whatever was in the bag, it was a very small glass sculpture in the shape of a bull.

"I really hope you like it. I want you to have something to remember us by as you get older." He whispered. You placed it back in the bag, careful not to break it. Gauche gave you a framed picture of his sister while he stared at an identical one. He told you that if you ever lost it, you wouldn't get a replacement. You sweat dropped and placed it aside. You looked as Asta was blushing slightly. He walked up to you with his hands behind his back. You tilted your head for a moment before he handed you his gift. It was a bundle of (F/F), wrapped together in a matching colored sheet. Your eyes widened at the sight of the arrangement, every part looking professional. You took the flowers from him and took a sniff of them. Somehow, they smelt much more stronger than usual, but that made it better.

"I sent most of my allowance to the church, so I hope this'll do." He rubbed his neck, almost looking embarrassed. You stood up and wrapped your arms around his neck, flowers still in hand.

"They're perfect, Asta. Thank you." Once his hands wrapped around your waist, everyone else joined in on the hug. You felt so happy being trapped in the middle of a huge crowd in a hug. This is what you had wished happened in your family. As everyone backed off, Asta suggested we all do something for the day. You asked what we should do, but he just placed a hand on your head. Everyone looked in your direction.

"We'll let you decide, Birthday Girl."

~~~~~End of Chapter~~~~~
Total word count: 832

Alrighty~Thank you for reading! It was interesting trying to think of gifts each member would give, and I think i did alright.
Any feedback is helpful whether it be compliments or criticism. I want to make sure you enjoy the story!

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