• One •

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Abbreviations to know:

(Y/N) = Your first name
(L/N) = Your last name

One rule in your family was to never be antiquated with commoners in any way. Although, this rule never applied to you, yet no one else knew that.

     "Mother, I'm heading out now!" You yelled as you were about to walk out the door.                            

"You've been leaving the house everyday for a while now. What have you been up too lately, (Y/N)?" Mother gave you a confused look, yet it almost seemed like a glare.                                    

"I've been visiting my friends that live in the center of town" I lied with a straight face. You've been used to having to lie to Mother and Father so you could sneak off to Hage to visit the kids who lived there.

"Alright, have fun then." Mother sighed, seeming displeased, but you ignored it. You shot her a toothy grin, and ran out the door while waving to her through the window. Since you were a royal, you lived in quite a large house, so you were surprised she even acknowledged me leaving. To get to Hage, You had to go the opposite way of where you told Mother you were going, so you had to take a detour every time you went to the church so she wouldn't be suspicious. You began to run towards the town when you were stopped by the man who runs a small snack shop

"Hello (Y/N)! It's good to see you again!" Mr. Hirabayashi was a cheery old man. He was friends with everyone in the town.

"Hello Mr. Hirabayashi! It's good to see you too! How have you been?" You flashed him a smile and waved at him. As you walked towards the shop, you were immediately distracted by the scents. There was an aroma of all different kinds of treats and snacks. "I see you've been busy with work" you giggled.

"I've been keeping up. If you're off to visit your friends, I'll let you take some snacks along with you. This'll be on the house." he said folding his arms.

"Really? Thank you so much!"  You said with a bow, then quickly began looking through all the choices, even though it seemed endless.

"Hey, it's no problem. You're one of my favorite customers you know." He ruffled your hair.

After what seemed like ages of choosing, you finally decided on some chocolates filled with assorted fruits or caramel. Mr. Hirabayashi put them all in a small bag, folded it shut, and passed it to you.

"Here you are kid. Have fun today." You began to walk away as we waved to each other.

"Thank you! Have a nice day!" You then ran towards the town. When you made it to the center, you ran back through another lane of houses so you wouldn't be spotted running pass my house. Let's just say, you had a huge smile on the whole time.

~~~~~ Time Skip brought to you by my fish who keeps slamming himself into his tank um-~~~~~

When you arrived at the church it was strangely quiet until a heard a scream come from the back yard.
"I wonder who that could be" you thought to myself with a chuckle.

You placed the treats on the picnic table in the front yard then made your way to the back. You saw the two oldest kids here, who were both your age, chopping wood, one using magic, one not. The ash blonde-haired boy who was known as Asta was the one doing all the chopping, while the other boy with black hair who was known as Yuno was using his wind magic to easily pick up the wood and place it on a tree stump for Asta to chop.

"If you were any louder I'm sure the royals would come and give you a good scolding!" You shouted while placing your hands on your hips and giving a small pout. Both boys turned their eyes towards you, leaving you staring at two pairs of green and gold eyes.

Since We Were Young {Asta x Reader} {Slow Updates}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें