• Four •

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Hello hello! Happy Sunday! Enjoy the rest of your week :3
Abbreviations to Know:
(Y/N) = Your First Name
(L/N) = Your Last Name
(F/F) = Your Favorite Food

As you stared at the exterior in front of you, you began to wonder how it was pretty much the same size as your home, although it didn't have that royal look to it. You were surprised, but not as much as Asta.

"HOLY CRAP IT'S HUGE!" Asta had sparkles in his eyes as he waved his arms around soon to slap someone if they weren't careful. You expected a reaction like this since you knew he spent his whole life in a church with only a few rooms.

"You planning on sleeping out here?" You heard a gruff voice say to you while staring you down. You just shook your head a little not moving a muscle. He waved an arm as he began to walk towards the hide out as if saying "Come on". You followed him and Finral to the door with Asta not far behind. Even being probably 10 feet from the door, you could already hear explosions from the inside.

"Uh.. don't worry about that. It's normal." Finral turned to warn you while scratching the back of his neck.

"Yeah. Alright." You replied sarcastically pulling your lips inward. You had a feeling you were in for quite a surprise. Captain Yami opened the door to the hideout, and you noticed the complete havoc that was causing the noise. You saw a boy with a two colored hair Mohawk being chased by a blonde hair boy with hands and feet of lightning. There was a woman with long pink hair in just her underwear passed out on the couch as if she was drunk. A short girl with black hair up in a bun was munching on something at the table. In one corner of the room, there was a younger man with light brown hair looking at a picture while blood ran down his nose, which you thought was pretty creepy. Sitting at the same table with the munching girl was a guy with black hair and wore a hat with the Black Bulls logo on it. He had a pale face with what seemed to be black makeup around his eyes and lips, not doing anything out of the ordinary. Lastly, a large man stood in the middle of the room blowing smoke out of his mouth with a strange noise that sounded like a shooo.

"We're back. Here's the newbies you were all so eager to meet." Yami pointed at you and Asta while blowing out smoke from his cigarette. The chaos amid the crowd came to a halt and everyone's eyes were plastered on you. You didn't really know what to do, so you clasped your hands and just looked around the room trying to avoid locking eyes with anyone. The plan failed however when everyone stopped what they were doing to bombard you with questions, first coming from Blondy.

"Ooooo a cute girl! My name is Luck Voltia! You look really strong! Wanna fight me?" You blushed slightly at the fact that he had addressed you as cute. As he awaited your response, he had a huge open smile on his face and his sky blue eyes glimmered a bit.

  "Uh.. maybe later? I just wanna get used to this place first." You grinned awkwardly not knowing what you should say.

"Aww, Okay. I guess that makes sense. Hey Magna! Wanna fight?" He yelled to the next closest person which happened to be the boy with the Mohawk.

"Damnit Luck, you just chased me around for the last hour at least! Can't we at least say hello to the new guys without you wanting to fight someone!?" The so called Magna pointed a finger in his face, causing Luck to put his hands up in retreat and laugh.

"So.. your name is Magna?" You pointed at him.

"That would be me. The names Magna Swing." He crossed his arms. Asta seemed to be the more popular one, as everyone else was surrounding him.

"I'm not picking up any mana from you. You sure your up for this, kid?" The pink haired woman asked him, looking around him all over. You saw his face turn slightly pink and his body stiffened a bit. Probably because she was practically naked.

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