• Nineteen •

771 28 5

Abbreviations to know:
(Y/N) = Your First Name

As Licht lay motionless on the ground, Gauche was half-covering his usually-hidden eye as he slowly regained his breath.

"That was really something, Gauche." Finral quietly spoke out. You saw Captain Yami's spell disappear, revealing said captain and Asta. Captain Yami appeared to be fine apart from a few scratches, but Asta had a few more deeper wounds. Still, he was still standing and acting as usual. He looked over his body with a shocked expression as if he was surprised he was still alive. Asta began talking to Gauche, but because of the distance you were at, you couldn't make out what they were saying. You could only hear some light talking and your Captain's occasional laugh. He put his hand on Gauche's head and rocked him back and forth before Asta started shouting at him.

'Wise move, kid' . Just as you thought, the Captain turned around and picked up Asta by his head and held him there as he wiggled around. Finral brought himself and you down so you cold see what the commotion was.

"Now, now. Captain Yami, Asta, Gauche, we all worked hard." Finral slowly approached the three trying to get them to stop fighting. You follow a couple feet behind him. Once Finral finished talking, Captain Yami and Gauche didn't waste time to hit back.

"Yeah, except for you." The two whipped their heads around to put down Finral, causing him to stutter on his next words.

"Wait wait wait! None of this would've happened without my spatial magic!" Finral tried to defend himself, but they didn't really care.

"Hurry up and get me back to Marie." Was all Gauche said with a glare at Finral.

"I am your superior!" Finral shouted back. Now, Gauche just went back to fawning over his little sister and talking about how great he did. He started to hug himself and wiggle around, creeping you out to the max. You aimed two fingers at your lips and hunched over making a barfing sound, pretending to puke. Captain Yami just laughed.

"Again, I'm your superior, and I told you I could only use my magic one more time. I have to recover my mana first. Just wait a sec." Finral closed his eyes, but you heard Gauche and for no reason at all, the Captain clicked their tongues and turn away.

"Don't make Marie wait!," and ",Honestly, you're so useless." is what was heard from Gauche and the captain. You felt a little bad, Finral getting verbally attacked left and right. You sighed a little before talking for the first time in a while.

"Thank you, Finral" He turned to look at you, who sent a small smile his way.

"Well, I mean..." Finral blushed as he closed his eyes and smiled, using one hand to scratch behind his neck while the other stuck out to the side. Of course, this didn't go unnoticed by the ash blonde-haired boy.

"Hey! Stop flirting with my girlfriend! Captain Yami, put me down so I can show Finral what I mean!" Asta pointed at Finral as he squirmed around more in Captain Yami's grip. You hunched your shoulders and sweat dropped.

"Accepting a thank you doesn't count as flirting, Asta" Finral pinched the bridge of his nose. Captain Yami took one more strong grip at Asta's head before tossing him to the ground and walked passed him as he rubbed his head. All of you walked with him towards Licht.

"Looks like his own ultimate spell did a number on him, too. Guess he had another archenemy besides me. Don't worry about it." As you approached Licht, he gained consciousness and slowly picked his head up.

"I couldn't risk... hurting you." Licht quietly mumbled out while looking at Gauche, but loud enough to hear.

"Do you know him? Sorry I beat the crap out of him." Captain Yami turned to talk to Gauche. You looked at Licht then to Gauche. Gauche denied knowing him.

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