• Fifteen •

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Abbreviations to know:
(Y/N) = Your First Name

  Baro sat in pain against the cave wall gripping his arm as blood dripped out of his mouth. A large indent was made in the wall from Asta slashing him into it. Baro called to the other mage, who's name was Neige, to do something. Neige was much skinnier than Baro, and instead of having long dark hair, his was long and light-blue. On Baro's command, Neige summoned the snowman spell from earlier, them instantly going after the nearest person, Gauche. He quickly pulled up his mirror and used Reflect Refrain to slice the snowman to bits. His attack caused some rocks to fall from the ceiling, which caused Neige to cover his head and lightly yell. For one of the enemies, Neige seemed much more scared and timid, not actually wanting to fight.

"No! S-Stay back!" Neige yelled at the approaching Gauche. Neige seemed to be attacking only to protect himself. He created a spell that started underground and shot up and grabbed Gauche, making him unable to attack as it concealed his mirror. Neige seemed proud of his accomplishment.

"Gauche! I'll help you!" Asta got ready to jump in to get Gauche down.

"Stop trying to act cool in front of my Marie!" Asta's mouth dropped wide open and his pupils basically disappeared. You just sweat-dropped. Gauche couldn't even do anything because of his mirror, so what did he plan to do? Gauche was scolded by Theresa for trying to act tough during this time.

"Shut up! I'll take care of this myself...we will that is." You didn't understand what Gauche meant until a ray of light hit Neige in the back. When you looked where it came from, you saw Gauche's double that he created earlier. His attack was enough to knock Neige on the ground for a little while. Before you knew it, Asta had started to walk toward Baro who was still leaned up against the wall. From there, Asta grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.

"Why would you do something so awful?! Stealing other people's magic, especially kids'. How would you feel is someone did that to you?!" Asta yelled in his face. You looked around at all the kids who were still under the spell layer out on the floor like ragdolls. You looked back when you heard Baro yelling.

"Like I care, you idiot! It doesn't matter to me if someone else dies or loses their magic!" You simply scoffed at the man, but his response struck fury in Asta, causing him to pull back his fist. You surely thought he was going to punch Baro, but he punched the wall right next to his head so hard, it sent a shockwave of air towards you.

"This isn't enough pain to make up for what you did. You're gonna pay for this, starting now!" Asta spoke right in his face as Theresa walked over and opened her grimoire, using a flame binding spell to tie Baro's arms to his sides.

"Hey, tell us how to give them their magic back!" Asta's tone was softer, but he was still stern.

"At least let me go, then I'll tell-" "Don't mess with me!" Baro tried to negotiate, even though his plan was obvious, but Asta cut him off. Theresa asked Asta to used his sword to remove the spell on the children, leaving a tied-up Baro still against the wall.

Asta ran through the rows of children, lightly tapping their head with the handle of his sword while you followed behind him to make sure none of the children had any injuries. A light purple haze came from the children's head before they came to their senses, all of them looking around and asking where they were and calling for their parents. Theresa called the children over, which is when Rebecca's sister Luca came over. In the meantime, Gauche demanded Theresa to heal Marie's wounds, even though her wound was just a scratch. Still, she summoned the same recovery spell from earlier, and candles were summoned around all of the children who were looking around eagerly.

Since We Were Young {Asta x Reader} {Slow Updates}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang