"I'm sorry, Harry." I tell him.

"It's fine. I got this. I'm going to this for us." He tells me making a wide smile spread across my face.

"Hey Niall!" I hear from across the room. I see Bora sprawled out across on a desk while Gary sat over her eating pistachios and leaving the shells on her stomach. He looks at me and gestures to the phone.

"You got a minute!" He says and sends me a thumbs up.

I nod and turn back to the phone.

"Hey, Harry I gotta go okay. Please stay safe okay? We're going to get through this." He says and I smile.

"I love you Harry." I spit out last minute. I couldn't even believe I had said it. It just came out. But for some reason I didn't regret telling him that.

I guess that's how I really felt for him. I loved him.

"God, Niall. I love you too."  He says and I practically melt at the fact I heard Harry tell me that.

"I'm gonna get you a lawyer and make sure we get the best sentence possible if any. Okay?" He says and I see Gary making his way to me.

"Uhh Yes. Thank you! I gotta go okay, bye I love-" I say before Gary snatched the phone from me and held it to his ear.

"Your one minute is up. You may dial again at the tone or hang up. But you should just hang up." He says in a fake automatic voice before I heard Harry saying something on the phone before Gary rudely hung up in his face.

"You're hearing is in a few hours. Get some rest." He says and gestures to the cage I was just in. I sigh looking up at him before I made my way back over.




I walked into the court room dressed in my clothes from last night. Word had finally got out this morning of me turning myself in and my parents were possibly here looking for me. Nothing could take my mind off whether I would even get bail. I just wanted to see Harry.

I was escorted by Gary to the desk upfront where a well dressed man stood with a secure briefcase. He smiles to me and I can tell this is the lawyer Harry was talking about.

I approached him and soon Gary took the cuffs off and left us alone.

"Pleasure to meet you Niall. I'm Richard. I'll be representing you and Mr Styles." He tells me and I nod shaking his hand before he gestured me to a seat.

I sit down and face him while the courtroom was loud waiting for the judge.

"Okay, you haven't done anything that has caused a death or anything violent so I don't expect a high bail. We'll try to get you below the ten thousands. We should be fine. It was a lot harder getting Harry out. I swear if he wasn't loaded he'd be dead." He explains to me and I crack a smile because It was terribly true.

"Thank you Richard." I say and he nods.

Soon the judge walks in and we all stand until he was seated. The bailiff announces that court was in session and the judge introduced himself.

"How does the defendant plea?" The judge asks and I clear my throat.

"Not guilty, your honor."

"I'll be hearing from the prosecution." He says out loud when a woman from the opposing side stands in her pantsuit and with neat organized files.

"Your honor, the people request that he reprimanded. He is indeed a flight risk and has every intention of fleeing the country again. Especially with his partner in crime out on bail we don't believe he'll stay long enough for trial." She says and I felt my heart drop.

Damn she had a good ass reason. If I were the judge I wouldnt give me a bail.

"Defendant?" The judge speaks up looking over files as Richard stood to the podium beside the woman.

"My client is very well not a flight risk. He fled before fearing for the police to arrest him with false reasoning. His entire charade was a misunderstanding and although he may have came up with the plan, you released a participant as well. We can agree to house arrest." He says arguing with the woman as the judge looks down a the papers and he nods agreeing with Richard.

"Niall Horan will be released on house arrest. He will be required to wear a monitor until trial starts and he is tried and or sentenced." He says and then bangs his gavel. He turn to me and shrugs his shoulder knowing he did a great job before I stood to my feet with a huge smile on my face.

I shake the man hand and he pays me on my back as I hear the court door open. Gary rushes in and over to the prosecutor. She looks alarmed at Gary's state and leans over to hear what he has to say. Her eyes widen before she turns to look at me. Gary then does the same.

Gary looked at me as if he felt sorry for me.

"I'm gonna get the paperwork together and we'll be out of here soon." Richard says and grabs his belongings and leads me out the court room. I look back to Gary and see him still conversing with the prosecutor.

He almost looked sad, stuck and stressed. It made me wonder.

I didn't even care. I was just ready to get home to see Harry. I was prepared to sneak off just to see him.

Maybe even run.

We walk into the busy hall where press were crowded around with cameras and microphones all yelling at me at once. Richard tried to protect me and help clear a path with the help of detectives.

"Niall how are you feeling?!"

"How did you come up with this pl-"

"Is Harry a creep as he seems?"

"How do you feel about his tragic death?"

"Do you feel safer knowing he's gone?"

The last two questions made me stop completely in my tracks and my guess from how Richard looked he heard what I heard too. I turn to the reporters who asked that.

"What did you say?" Richard asks as I sit there shocked at the moment.

"A few moments ago Harry Styles was found tragically murdered in his mansion during a nonstop riot. My insiders say that he didn't even have time to pack his bags."

And that's when I realized I couldn't feel anything or hear anything. I didn't even know if I had passed out. I just didn't know anything.


I didn't want to but I've never killed a character so I'm sorry

How did you like this?

What do you think will happen next?

Love and kisses ;)

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