Chapter fifteen

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For the moment you all have been waiting for. Keep reading.

"It's so true. It's always raining here." Louis says shrugging his backpack on his shoulder from baggage claim, looking out the grand windows of the airport.

"Louis you've been here for two seconds." Zayn rolls his eyes. He grabs his duffel bag and slings it over his shoulder and joins Louis to start walking towards the main entrance.

The boys were very discreet about the whole situation. They texted their parents on the way to airport so they wouldn't worry even though they knew they'd be furious and bought the last minute tickets to the UK. Specifically Cheshire.

Zayn flips open the book to see the address of the penthouse he owned at the Emporium Inn downtown. He couldn't help but to flip through the other pages Harry wrote, fantasizing about Niall and how he wanted to Niall all to himself.

"So what's our move?" Louis says hitting Zayns arm which made Zayn react in smacking him back.

"Stop hitting me to get my attention." Zayn curses shutting the book and sighing.

"Stop hitting me to get my attention." Louis mocked him in a baby voice before he broke out into laughter leaning on Zayn as they stood in the middle of the airport.

"Lou, be serious for one sec?" Zayn asks and Louis shapes up, standing up and silencing his laughs. He clears his throat and nods for Zayn to continue.

"I say we go to this address and ask them have they seen Niall and if they know anything about Harry." He sighs pushing a hand through his greasy hair and wiping it on his ripped jeans.

"Okay and what happens when we don't get anything out of them?" Louis asks making Zayn stop and think. He didn't really think this through.

"Uh I haven't thought that far." Zayn says rubbing his forehead as Louis' jaw drops. He couldn't believe his friend had gotten them plane tickets to another country and had no actual plan on what they were going to do.

"What the hell?! Zayn- wait, you mean to tell me we're in the middle of a airport and have no plan whatsoever?" Louis exclaims trying to stay calm with his friend. Sometimes he wished Niall was here to think things through like normal.

God he missed him.

"Look, I was scared that Mr. Styles had already done something to Niall, I kind of panicked Lou and you know that." He tried to reason with Lou who throws his hands to his temples to calm himself and tune Zayns pleas out.

He had to think and think fast. He shut his eyes tight and turned away from Zayn who was calling his name before he ran into a hard body. His smaller frame not being big enough to topple this person, he fell backwards.

"Watch it you big fuck!" Louis yells rubbing his leg when he looks to see the big creepy man who had made Niall the fake passport. He was carrying Harry and Niall's bags with them not being too far behind him.

But Louis didn't know that. For all he knew, some bozo just practically pushed him to the ground. The man laughed before extending his hand to help him up.

"Sorry. I'm in kind of a rush." The man says and Louis shrugs it off when he looks the man up and down. That's when he seen the passports in his hands that he dropped.

"Oh shit. My bad." Lou drops down to pick up the passports and it quickly flaps open to show Niall's picture. Due to shock Louis stayed crouched over it not being able to move. It had some bullshit fake name with Niall's face. He couldn't believe his eyes.

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