Chapter eleven

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I woke up the next morning to the bed empty and a lot of bright natural light blinding me to death.

I sat up quickly looking around the bedroom and the projector wasn't on plus Harry was nowhere in sight after a very awkward night.

Did I run him off in the middle of us being on the lam?

I stretch my muscles forcing my body to wake up before I got out of bed clutching my sweats so they wouldn't fall considering they were kind of big and not mine.

I walk over to the window who's curtains were open and look out to the busy street of cars and pedestrians before I realized I couldn't see the from the back of the classroom, how the hell could I see him in a crowd 20 floors up?

So I grabbed a nearby shirt which I discovered was indeed Harry's before heading down the spiral stairs to see the living area was also empty. I run over to the swivel door that led to kitchen before I heard a voice from behind me.

I turn to see Harry on the balcony leaned back in a chair, holding a cup of tea and talking on a phone in front of a laptop.

Who the fuck is talking to and what the hell is he doing on a laptop?!

I practically stormed over to the doors and before I could even turn the knob I paused at what Harry was saying.

"It worked! It's absolutely crazy how this worked out. I thought I'd have to do it by force and it wasn't even my idea." Harry smiles and sips the tea again letting the voice on the phone talk more.

That's when he turned off his laptop screen showing a black screen. That when he pauses and then quickly turns to see me standing there confused as ever but also mad.

I don't know what I am, but there's a big "what the fuck" sign above my head flashing with sirens.

"Hold on, let me call you later." He says quickly before hanging up the phone and standing to his feet and opening the door. I back up letting him walk inside before I crossed my arms across my chest.

"Hey, good mornin-" I cut him off after he ran his fingers through his hair that swept his shoulders to the side.

"Don't good morning me! Why the hell are you on a laptop and who the hell were you on the phone with?" I say fuming tapping my foot as my adrenaline started to rush.

I watch Harry sigh and shove a hand in his voluminous curls before looking to me again.

"Can you trust me?" He asks holding his hands out as if he wanted to grab my hands but I squint my eyes at him.

"Trust you? You've killed someone." I scoff raising my eyebrow.

"The same person you helped dispose of." He reminds me and I roll my eyes.

"What did you have to do by force?" I ask wondering what the hell his conversation about with this mysterious person he still hasn't mentioned.

He gives me that emotionless expression from before, rolled his eyes and looks at me.

"Glad to know you're eavesdropping on conversations now. You think you help me dump a body and I tell you a bit about my past that you deserve to know everything?" Harry says to me becoming once again, arrogant asshole, teacher Harry all over again.

"Yes! That's exactly it. Because I'm in another country with my history teacher after he killed someone!" I yell at him letting my anger get the best of me.

"If you must know, I have been speaking with an old friend all morning and reminiscing about the time we had as little kids. Also updating him about my horrible life and seeing if he'd want to come over and catch up and meet you." He tells me and then walks by me bumping my shoulder to head towards the stairs.

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