Chapter One

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"Louis no, No! Do- Do not jump off that ramp!" Zayn yells from the bottom of the tallest ramp in Riverdale most infamous skate park. Louis and I sat up there antagonizing Zayn knowing that we'd jump anyway because why not?

"No way, Jose." Louis shouts back down scarfing down his sub sandwich from Subway.

"Niall! Dude, talk him down!" He yells at me and I could tell his face was red from up here.

"I'm jumping too, Zayn. It's a two for one special." I say leaning back on my palms looking down at the tiny version of Zayn get angry and stomp his feet.

"You two are so infuriating! Ughh!" He yells and we both laugh at Mama Zayn getting upset with our antics again. That was before I thought enough was enough.

"Hey man, we should really get down before he bursts a blood vessel." I say and carefully stand to my feet reaching for Louis. He happily takes it and I walk him downstairs to find Zayn lighting a smoke.

He looks at us with beaded eyes trying to calm himself. "You give me a heart attack! You fuckers give me heart palpitations!" Zayn continues to curse at me as we both laugh at him. We lean against the railing and watch Zayn smoke a bar.

My friend group was very weird. It consisted of Zayn, Louis and Me. We were considered the cool guys you could get weed from or guys who could show you a good time. Just ask any girl at Riverdale high. Zayn was the real pants dropper and Louis was the bad boy who could make any girl swoon and If I drunk enough pints I could score any girl in the room.

We were the Jocks sworn enemies because we didn't need a letterman jacket to prove that were cool as fuck.

Our personality were the main reasons we were popular and everyone adored us. Louis being the comedic genius he is, he loves to skate, play the piano and very charismatic.

Zayn was the mysterious one. The guy who rides a motorcycle and does street art during the night. He was really a sweet heart and was the most giving person ever. But I do promise you never want to make him angry.

And then there's me. You're happy go lucky Irishman who was always laughing, eating and playing my guitar in the halls. I could make any girl laugh and cool then the best meal ever. I never had trouble touching a girls heart.

And our favorite hangout was the skate park. Yes only Louis knew how to skate but we still enjoyed watching him. Even now I was watching him skate chasing Zayn as I laughed at them.

I began to look around the park and noticed another person who had showed up and he looked very familiar.

It was our history teacher, Mr. Styles

He had a plastic bag full of snacks and he carried a can of Red Bull. He also carried a skateboard in the other hand. This was odd.

I've never seen Mr. Styles outside of school or outside of Bates Lane. I zeroed my vision in on him and watch as he let his hair down from his bun and reach down to his bag to grab a pair of busted black and white vans and put them on.

He was wearing this black shirt with an oversized flannel and black skinnies. Not the usual formal attire he sported at school. It seemed a bit weird and looked hot almost.

Like a normal teenager.

I watched him crack open his drink after sitting down his skateboard letting his foot rest of it before he took off on the board down the ramp still holding his drink. He did it effortlessly.

"Ah! Okay okay Zayn shit!" I'm knocked out of my trance of Louis running towards me due to Zayn being behind him chasing him with a board. My eyes widened as I move out the way for Louis to collapse in my place and Zayn to topple over him.

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