Chapter twenty one

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I sat alone in the cold cell in the police station where I sat after Bora and Gary had me wait in to be arraigned for in the morning which was technically in a couple of hours.

My family friends were still clueless about my whereabouts but that was pretty normal now. I had laid my head between my head trying to get some hours of sleep before court when I heard Gary approach rattling the doors.

"Horan! I got some news." Gary says and he takes a sip of yet another cup of coffee. He smiles and I look to him possibly irritated and tired. I haven't stayed up this late in awhile.

God Harry has babied me for awhile.

"Uh your partner in crime made bail a couple of hours ago and he's going to on house arrest. He's on the phone right now." He says and I immediately stand to my feet. I followed him eagerly to the phone before I looked at him unsure.

"I'll give you some privacy." He says and passes the phone to me and offers me a seat next to it. I pick up the phone and place it to my ear.

"Harry?" I say and I heard sniffling.

"Niall! God I've been so worried about you." I finally hear him say. It felt like a relief to finally hear his voice again.

"I'm fine. Everything is fine." I say smiling and letting small tears fall down my face. The emotion was too strong.

"God why would you go on record confessing to everything? I told you I'd take the fall for everything! How could you be so irresponsible niall?!" Harry says scolding me like he would in school some days when I was off topic or being disruptive.

I chuckled a bit.

"I'm an adult now Harry. I did something horrible and I'm admitting to it. You didn't do this alone." I tell him. I just heard him sigh.

"I thought you hated me." He says getting softer and I sigh smiling softly.

"I could never hate you Harry." I say truthfully. "I just seen what I saw and it scared me. I didn't know you liked me that much since I was a student. It creeped me out." I tell him.

"I'm sorry, Niall. I truly was going to therapy and trying to get over my unhealthy obsession with your It was going good til now. I even was planning to return your stuff and take the room down but-" he sighed again. "All of this happened."

"I get it. It's just the circumstances." I say and he chuckles a bit.

"I just didn't want you thinking I was a crazed kidnapper." He says making both of us lightly chuckle.

"Harry? You cried for three days straight when we left. I know." I say and we both laugh harder reminding me of the nights we spent together. I couldn't even think of how I'd be spending my nights in a cell without Harry.

Hopefully I got him in a position to where we could get out together.

"I hope soon we could start over Niall. I really do like you." He tells me and I blush.

"Maybe in a few years when we're out of prison, we could get together and go on a proper date. No running from the cops, how does that sound?" I ask him and he breathes in.

"That sounds perfect." He says and I start to hear more commotion. I was confused as to where the sudden noise came from. Sooner or later I could hear Harry telling someone to roll up the windows. It then became muffled.

"What's going on?" I urgently ask.

"Uh it's a mob outside the mansion. I hired security to help me get my belongings and go to a hotel tonight. I've gotten plenty of death threats so the police are gonna keep me company." He says and sighs. I could hear the pain in his voice and it hurt me sadly.

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