Chapter nine

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The police station was very crowded that night before the news special came on broadcasting more leaked details on Gary's case. He sat at his desk overwhelmed in paper work trying to fill out witness statements and autopsy reports.

That's when his trusty sidekick or you could say partner, Bora sat on his desk cradling a cup of coffee to her flat chest. He grunts irritated how his partner found new ways to piss him off.

"Y'know what I can't get off my mind?" She tells her partner with a devious smirk on her face after she takes a sip of coffee.

"What is it, boring?" He says signing off on forms to take to the kids who were held in questioning before poking at Bora's thigh to get her to move.

"How you automatically think this guy kidnapped a boy after having no record whatsoever. Yet this Horan kid has been busted for drugs, graffiti and a parking ticket for falling asleep in his car while high." She tells detective sanders and he sighs letting a hand run down his frustrated face. He turns to look at Bora.

"Well I have dozens of kids in rooms telling me during a riot on Bates Lane, this maniac who's family is nuts, grabbed a shot gun and shot a kid in the back." Gary says laying down the facts.

"But like you said, it was a riot. Don't you know in riots, people fight?" Bora asks him knowing he was being biased towards his phobia of Bates Lane.

"Yes but after riots, you don't find remains of a boy dumped in a lake behind your house, burned pieces of clothing and shoes in a fire in the middle of summer and a missing car. Oh yeah, not to mention we can't find this murder weapon." He tells bora making her sit back and ponder on what she thought about the case.

"Well any idea where he might be? If he so called kidnapped Niall." Bora asks and that's when Sanders pulls out his notebook full of scribbled numbers and names written in no form or order.

"Well Styles has no family, his sister on the other hand has been the hardest to get ahold of because she moved to South America and is apparently in some spiritual club there that doesn't believe in technology so she won't answer the fucking phone- oh! And he has two dead parents and a missing sister so we dig their graves and ask them!" Sanders began to get overwhelmed at the dead ends of where Harry may have taken Niall but he was becoming hopeless.

"Well he is a history teacher at Riverside highschool. Let's go check his files. Maybe he has another warehouse or house he owns." Bora says rubbing his shoulders trying to calm her partner as he shakes his head.

"Yeah just give me a minute to get these signatures." He sighs before he gathers his papers and his jacket.

He knew he had to find Niall and crack this case




"What the fuck are we going to do?" Harry freaks out in his seat clutching my phone as the plane gets in the air. From my seat I could see him shaking and tapping his foot.

"Okay first of all, let's breathe and not alert the captain that you're worried about being caught for murder." I say with a soothing voice also trying to remind Harry that he is extremely loud.

"Fuck! What if he sees the news?" Harry whisper yells and I search my brain for possible solutions but for the life of me I couldn't.

"I doubt he'll watch the news. He has to pay attention-" I search around and look out at the clouds unsure of what he had to focus on. "Well this!" I say gesturing to the plane.

Bates Lane || Narry AUHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin