Chapter 13: Interrogation

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The bartender slips our drinks over after taking a few minutes to make them. I can feel his gaze lingering on me for longer than they should before looking away as he focuses on making another drink for a customer a few seats away from us. Mina takes her drink and places it quite far away on the side of her body away from me, but I don't question it. If this is a precaution, then she doesn't know that I don't need drugs to get girls to sleep with me.


In the middle of our conversation, Mina's behaviour suddenly changes. It seems as if though the alcohol has the reverse effect on her--instead of loosening up, she seems to become more serious with her questions as if she's analyzing my responses. Suddenly, she asks a question that catches me off guard.

"So, what do you use the rohypnol for?" she questions, and my eyes lift from my drink to meet her scrutinizing gaze.

"Rohypnol...?" I search my mind to find any instances of rohypnol usage, and suddenly recognize the reason on Mina's increasingly cautious behaviour.

"You looked through my stuff." The words that come out of my mouth are nothing more than an innocent statement, but seem to be taken as an argument as her eyes narrow in disgust. Before she can question me again, I open my mouth to explain. "A few years ago when I was serving the military, I had developed PTSD from witnessing the infamous 'endurance training death' on top of other things going on in my personal life." I can see Mina looking at me with mixed emotions in her eyes. "Since I had been gone for a little less than two years, I had found myself struggling to pay the mortgage my late father and mother left me before they died." I bury my forehead in my palm, a contradicting feeling tugging at my heart as I continue to overshare.

I don't remember the last time I had shared anything personal with somebody. Usually, they find themselves content with the superficial aspects of my life like my major or my workout routine. I can feel Mina's gaze soften as I look down at my feet. I don't feel dizzy at all, but there is a faint warmth in my heart and stomach.

"For a couple years, I balanced my school life with various part time jobs; trying my best to pay my mortgage all while trying to hide the exhaustion of working an inconsistent shit show of 8 hour shifts from my friends and teachers." Thinking about the past makes me want to laugh and throw up at the same time. The struggle to keep up appearances all seemed so useless in the moment as I spilled my life story to the woman beside me who's considered a little more than a stranger. Mina listens to me silently, which allows me to blame everything on the alcohol as I continue to vomit up my past.

"I heard that rohypnol was a drug that acted as a sedative to treat insomnia and anxiety on top of it being referred to as the 'date rape drug'. Since it was easy to access and cheap, it was perfect for me--a boy who had little to no money and way too many problems for any 21 year old to handle. I used that for a year or two, but ultimately stopped since I found it as a source to forget all of the fucked up things going on in my life."

"Sangwoo..." Mina whispers, rubbing my shoulder as she comforts me to the best of her ability.

"If you look at the box, you can see that the contents had expired a year ago. I haven't used it on myself since stopping a couple years ago, let alone use it on another person." I lock eyes with the woman beside me, allowing myself to be scanned of any lies. Even if she didn't believe me, I knew that I was telling nothing but the truth albeit telling her about my impulsive killing sprees. Finally, I can hear her let out a heavy sigh of relief as the mood returns to its former exuberance.

"I'm assuming this clears up and misunderstandings?" I ask, eyeing her drink that remains perched far away from me. Mina chuckles in response, moving her drink to a reasonable distance from me.

"Most definitely, I'm sorry that I had acted so rude towards you." She puffs out her bottom lip adorably, looking at me with an expression that causes my heart to lighten and my mouth to curl up into a smile.

"There's nothing to forgive you for, Mina. You were only acting as you should have." I take her hand in my own, running my thumb across the back of her hand. "If I were you, I would've ran far, far away instead."

We both let out a small chuckle, before she shyly slips her hand from mine. "Though...Why haven't you thrown out the box yet?"

"Ah... I guess I just gradually forgot about it? I barely ever keep anything in my car since I prefer running and cycling over driving." I purse my lips and ponder on whether or not I should brag. "It helps me keep fit and help out the environmental little. Plus, I'm a little bit of a neat freak, so I don't like to keep much inside my car."

The words escape my mouth before I know it, leaving me to wonder if I'm teetering closer to narcissicism or humble bragging.


After clearing up the whole misunderstanding between Mina and I and lightening the mood with a couple drinks, I glance at my watch that now reads 11:48.

"It's getting pretty late," I mention, leading Mina to glance at her own watch.

"So it is... I got so caught up in our conversation that I didn't even realize how much time had passed." Mina covers her mouth and lets out a slight yawn at her words. "Sorry. I haven't slept in two days," she chuckles shyly, a sheepish grin on her face.

"I was about to invite you over to my place for tonight, but I'm realizing that I would much prefer if you slept." On the exterior, I appear like a caring gentleman.

The interior is the complete opposite of that. My blood boiled at the fact that I'm getting nothing in return for my actions that range from biking to the opposite side of the city and waiting two hours in line to buy fucking chocolate, to the hours of cleaning every single surface of my house (especially the basement) so that it didn't reek of blood and feces.

"Are you mad...?" The smaller female asks, peering up at me through long eyelashes. I let out a sweet smile in return, trying my best to veil my irritation.

"It's a shame, but your health comes first." I take a strand of her hair in between my fingers, playing with it before leaning. "If you did come over, however..." she finches upon feeling my breath on her ear. "No matter how tired you were, I wouldn't let you sleep a wink until sunrise."

Hearing the small whimper coming out of her mouth, it takes a huge amount of self restraint to not throw her over my shoulder and shove her into the backseat of my car. Before I pull away completely, I look her straight in the eye and let her know just what she's missing out on. "Mmm... But making you pass out doesn't sound too bad, either."

Before I can gauge her reaction, I feel her lips latch onto mine. The taste of alcohol shoots from my mouth straight to my brain, and I throaty groan into her as her tongue invades my mouth. Just as I'm about to reciprocate her actions to their full extent, she pulls away, a string of salive connecting us.

"That was just the beginning," she teases, eyes clouded with a hunger as intense as a lion staring down their prey. She runs her hand down my body, giving a firm rub to my straining cock before grabbing her purse and bag of chocolates.

"Thanks for the chocolates, Sangwoo." And with a sly wink, she leaves. I can only let out a short 'bye' as I watch her saunter out of the bar with all the confidence and control in the world.

I lift my fingers to touch my lips, the heat of her actions branding my mind. Without noticing, I can feel all of my previous irritation melt away and slowly replace itself with anticipation.

I lift my drink to my lips, pausing to look at my own reflection. The Sangwoo that looks back at me has a slight discoloration to his cheeks, the ambiguous cause of their pink tint causing some confusion. The most confsing thing, however, are the corners of his mouth that curl up at the new sensation, and the thumping of my heart a second faster than usual.

To be continued...


Wow you rly said UNO reverse card, huh?

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