Chapter 3: Doll House

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But if that happened, all forms of my enjoyment would be ruined.

I'm surprised they haven't caught me. Despite how careful and meticulous I am when it comes to disposing of the evidence, there must have been at least one thing left behind. It just goes to show how lazy and untalented the police are in Korea. 

I wipe down my knife, the red liquid destroying the unsullied beauty of the white cloth. 

"Disgusting..." I murmur under my breath, taking a look around the dirty basement. There's a mix of urine and blood stains along the floors and walls of the small room. Now I know it wasn't the best idea to stab a major artery.

My eyes follow the trail of blood, landing on the body of the unclothed girl I had killed moments ago.

"She sure did struggle, trying to crawl her way out of the basement as she bled to death..." I kick her body over so that her head is turned away from me. Even if I was used to this, I could never get used to staring into the eyes of the dead; eyes devoid of life.

It's a shame... She was pretty, and would have probably become my new plaything if she wasn't so nosy about my personal life. I slept with her once, and she found herself entitled to snoop around my house and personal belongings. 

The cloth isn't enough to absorb all of the blood on the blade after wiping down my arms with it. Giving up on the idea of cleanliness completely; I chuck the knife on the ground, walking up the stairs to get ready for a night on the town. 


I throw my bloody clothes in the washing machine carelessly, before tracing over my abdominal muscles with my fingers. A large bruise takes over a small bit of my waist, but doesn't hurt enough to alter any of my movements. 

"There's absolutely no one in this world to interest me anymore," I mumble, running a hand through my hair. 

All I want is somebody I can be proud of. Somebody, I have to struggle to get. Somebody who leaves me wanting more

Unrealistically, I know that isn't possible. All men and women are the same. As soon as they see a good looking person, they're immediately attracted to them like flies on shit. Even more so when that attractive individual gives them a small smile, and acts even the littlest bit kind. It's disgusting how society bases every single little thing on looks. 

All men and women alike are putty in my hands. All I need to do is give them some special treatment, and then lead them back to my house to smash. 

The clock in the room now reads 11:34 PM. 

 I walk up the stairs to my room, preparing myself before I head out.Dealing with that girl took longer than I had initially thought.  


What was her name again?


It's dark inside the house. None of the lights are on, yet I'm still able to find my keys and phone from the shelf at the front of the house. I slip a turtleneck over my body, and put on my polished dress shoes before topping it off with a fitted blazer. 

I turn the door handle slowly, giving my farewells to the interior of the empty house. "I'm going out mom. I'll be back soon."

I give a little click of a button after locking the house up, my white convertable lighting up as soon as I do. I get in the car, turning on the engine to drive to my favorite bar deep within the city. 


The blinding city lights of Seoul never seem to die down, even when it seems as if though there's nobody around. Just kidding. There are always people around, even in the deep depths of the night. This happens to be one of these days. Though, I pay no attention to the bustling streets. I have a person to catch. 

This is also the time of day people like me decide to lurk. Corrupt people. Sick people. Desperate people. 

"It's time to scout out my new toy..."  I let out a small exhale, hand resting on top of the handle of the large door as I take my time opening it. A small gust of wind pushes against my back, urging me to open it--telling me that it'll be worth my time. I do, and am immediately frozen in my tracks. 

Her legs are crossed, revealing a good amount of her thigh through the slit in the side of her tightly fitted dress. She sips on a martini, leaning over the counter slightly as she makes small talk with the bartender, occasionally tucking a strand of hair behind her ear as she lets out various sophisticated smiles.

In short; she's probably the most beautiful woman I've seen in my life.

I lick my lips, the taste of cherry flavoured lip balm taking over my mouth. If it weren't for my obsession with murder, I would have seriously tried to get with her. Maybe get a kiss or three before she falls for me completely. 

I saunter towards the unsuspecting lady, puffing out my chest slightly as a sly smile makes its way to my face. Eyeing the empty spot beside her, I let out a quiet whisper; that in which nobody but I can hear as I manuever my way through the bar. 

"Found her."

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