Chapter 5: Attraction

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Next chapter will be released once the total votes hit 350, so don't forget to hit that little star in this and the previous chapters if you haven't already! 

I'm finally starting vote goals now ufufufu. They're honestly just a way to motivate me to write since my lazy ass doesn't like doing anything other than laying in bed.




The sea of eyes that land on me immediately make me uncomfortable, causing me to tug down the short hem of my dress as I briskly walk past the main area to the bar counter. I find my way to an isolated spot in the corner, settling down as the sound of clinking glasses and cocktail shakers occupy my ears.

"Hey," Seungbae says, and for a moment I forget I have an earpiece on. "If you feel in even any sort of danger, tell me. I'll send backup to your location."

I rest my chin on the ball of my hand to speak into my microphone hidden in my bracelet. "Sending a police car is a little bit of a stretch, Seungbae. I know how to handle creeps on my own."   

A man sets himself beside me immediately after my statement. Letting out a groan, I can already tell he's had way too many drinks from the smell of his breath. 

"Are you a regular at this bar?" he asks, resting his cheek on his hand as he slouches over the counter. "There's no way in hell I'd miss someone so beautiful."

I cringe slightly as I feel his cold hands slide up the exposed parts of my thigh, swatting away the gesture immediately. He rubs the back of his hand in response, laughing as I watch him with a look of disgust. 

"Ease up, sweetie. You're no fun right now." This time, the creepy man grabs my wrist. "Wanna go somewhere fun?"

Wanting to absolutely murder the slob, I pull my hand away as he begins to get up and tug me toward the exit. "Will you stop, you little piece of sh-"

A cup is set on the counter so loud that it attracts the attention of every single one of the customers' attention. I look towards the sound and see that the bartender had set a drink in between me and the man's seats. 

"I apologize for the wait," the bartender announces, leaving everyone to attend to their own business once again as the noise levels in the bar rise. 

His hair is slicked back neatly, giving off a more mature look to his appearance despite his prominent babyface. If I saw him on the street, I wouldn't think he'd be a day over 18.

He gives a smile, before shooting the man who still has my wrist in his grasp a glare. While trying to process what's happening, his eyes meet mine and immediately urge them to play along. I forcefully slip my hand away from the mans grasp and go for the drink set onto the counter. 

"Cockblock," the man mumbles under his breath.

"It's not cockblocking if the lady wasn't even interested in the first place."

Resigning to the bartender's interjection, the man grumbles a short 'I'll get you for this later' before walking away and out of the bar. The bartender lets out a relieved sigh.

"Are you alright?" he asks, concern shown evidently in his dark eyes. 

"Yes, I'm perfectly fine," I respond, sipping on my drink. "Thank you very much for your help." 

"It's nothing. That slob got what he deserved, and needed to be stopped either way considering how drunk he was." His eyes follow the path the man walked, eyeing the ghost of his long-gone body. 

"Despite that, standing up for me was still a very chivalrous act." I give him a small smile, leading him to return a friendly one as his cheeks tint with a pink glow. "Oh. I still need to pay for this drink don't I?"

"Don't worry about it. It's on the house."

I watch the ice swirl around in the drink as the melted water mingles with the alcohol. "Thank you once again. Can I at least get your name?"

"Yoon Bum."

"Nice to meet you Yoon Bum, I'm (Last name) (First name)." I reach out for his hand to shake. His exposed forearms show off faded scars on his wrists, but I decide to keep quiet about it. I watch him attend to the other patrons while playing with my drink. 

"I just got hit on."

"I know. I was able to hear the entire conversation," Seungbae replies, causing me to let out a small giggle. I immediately replace my expression with a poker face, realizing that it would be weird for somebody to be laughing at themselves while completely sober. 

I sip on my drink in peace for a minute, and just before I set it down I hear another person fix themselves to the chair beside me. Not even taking the time to look at their face, I let out a sigh. "Not interested."

"I didn't even say anything yet." 

Turning to face the man, I'm immediately frozen in place. His thick neck is wrapped in the fabric of his turtleneck, the fitted blazer that covers the shirt creasing over his muscular arms and shoulders as he rests one on the counter. He smirks, obviously satisfied with his witty comeback. Every feature of his appearance captivates me. His mischievous eyes. His neat hair.

His perfectly soft lips. 

He's handsome. Very handsome.  

After scanning over the surface of him entirely, my admiring eyes meet his own, causing me to break into a grin that matches his. 

Other than trying to solve the case. Maybe it would be fun to flirt a little bit as well. 

To be continued...


More than three months of not updating....

I'm so sorry. 

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