Dinner and naked bently

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"Bug time to eat" I said going into the living room

"Bentley what happened to your diaper"

"Nakie" she giggled running to me hugging my leg

"That you are yes" I said picking her up

"Nanas waiting for us"  I walked into the kitchen

"I can see your butt peanut" my mom joked

I smiled down at Bentley pinching her bum gently She giggled and squirmed in my arms

I sat her down in the high chair and gave her the small bowl of mashed potato's to see if she could feed herself

She did pretty good of course still managed to get it all the was too her hair

I pinched off a little peace of garlic bread and put it in her mouth

"Perrie Louise, dont think I didn't see that"

"It was just a little mum cool your tits" she shook her head at me I shouldn't have said that around the baby

"Mama bad girl" Bentley shook her finger at me

"What do you mean I did it for you" I giggled

"We're your mashed potatoes good?" My mom asked Bentley nodded her head eagerly

"I think you got more on you then in your tummy" I joked tickling her tummy

Her giggling cause hatchi to bark

"HUSH" she yelled

"Oh my god she's a baby perrie" my mom said shocked

"Are you really that surprised" I laughed

"No no hatchi" she said looking down at him

"That's right baby you tell him" I told her I'm my 'American' accent

She giggled again but this time so did my mam

"Down" she demanded

I looked at her waiting for the magic word

"PWEESE" she smiled

I set her down and she was just kinda playing by us on the floor and running between the dining room and the living room

"Perrie" mom pointed at Bentley

I turned and she was peeing in the floor

"Uh oh babygirl" I said getting some wipes and paper towels

I wiped her down with the wipes the cleaned up the pee from the ground

"Sowwy mama" she said shyly

"Hey, babe it's okay it was an accident" I said kissing her head

"Your not punishing her for peeing on the floor" my mom asked

"No why would I she's only little, and I was my fault for not putting a diaper on her" my mom simply nodded

"Bath time for Bentley" I said spinning her

My mom ran I bath while chased Bentley around

"Kids the bathes ready" my mom called

I sat Bentley in and she didn't fight she let me wash her then my mom rinsed her while I got her pjs

"Alright my little strawberry, do you want suckies before bed" I asked bringing her back into the bathroom to brush her hair

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"Alright my little strawberry, do you want suckies before bed" I asked bringing her back into the bathroom to brush her hair

"Yes pweese"

"Good manors, very good Bentley" I said she smiled at my praise

I'm glad she would finally let me feed her

I sat down in her rocking chair and pulled up my top to feed her

I let her feed for 40 minutes and she still wasn't asleep yet

I sang to her, I rubbed her face softy, patted her bum and she was still wide awake

"Time to go to sleep angel" I told her getting up to lay her in the crib

I kissed her and told her how much I loved her before putting the pacifier in her mouth

She didn't cry but stood up and watched me leave

I went downstairs and talked to my mom for about an hour

Bentley was completely quiet so I assumed she was sleeping

I looked at the baby monitor she thew everything out of her crib

And was still up with her feet in the air chewing on her fingers as she babbled to herself

"I stud up to get her when my mom stoped me

"Let me try"

"Good luck" I said sarcastically taking a sip of my moms wine

It was now coming up to 10 Pm and she needs to get to sleep considering she barely slept at all yesterday

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