Calm down

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"Mommy's got you, Shh sweetie" I said picking her up trying to soothe her

"Mama" she cried

"Look baby mama has you, see my poor girl" she looked at me putting her head on my chest

"Can mommy put a diaper on you princess" she shook her head quickly

"At least let me put some cream on your poor little booty, it will make it feel better I promise" she didn't fight me so I laid her down on her stomach and put some cream on her

"Mama suckies" she asked

I nodded and sat on the couch to feed her

She latched on quickly and snuggled into me as close as possible

"Mommy's so sorry baby, I'm the worst mom ever" I said I felt a tear run down my cheek

I silently cried just as there was a knock at my door I unlatched with much dislike from Bentley to cover myself up to get the door

"NOO DONT LEAVE ME" she yelled

"I won't ever leave you baby I just have to answer the door okay" she nodded but still kept a close eye on my

I got the door to see the girls

They pulled me into a big group hug

"What are you doing here" I asked wiping my tears

"We came a soon as you hung up in the meeting what's happening is everyone okay" Jess asked

I shook my head letting them inside

Jade picked Bentley up and greeted her she just reached her arms out to me probably wanting to be feed again

I picked her up and sat on the arm chair across from the girls that were on the couch when I cradled Bentley to feed her all the girls gasped getting a Full view of her sore bottom

"Who did that to her" Leigh asked

"Alex" I said choking back a sob

"Perrie it going to be alright I promise, you will get through this like you always do" jade said wiping my tears

"I feel like I've failed Mother's are supposed to make sure there baby's are safe and happy, and I haven't done that" I looked down at Bentley who was half asleep holding onto a bit of my hair twirling it between her two fingers

"Perrie this isn't you fault, do you understand, you did everything in you power to stop this" Jess said

I nodded

The girls left soon after that to give Bentley some space. So I laid down in bed with her and watched her little chests rise and fall

We stayed like that for about 15 before she started to cry in her sleep a little

"Shhh" I soothed rubbing her back her cry's turned into wails

"Shh baby mommy's here, wake up princess" I shook her, her eyes finally opened she threw herself at me wanting to be as close as possible

"It was just a dream baby, mommy won't let anything happen to you ever again" I soothed Stroking her little cheek taht was a light shade of brown with a bruse

"Nooo he's gonna get me mommy, and I'll never see you again and your never going to hold me and feed me and tell me I'm a good girl he's just going to hurt me again, you weren't there you didn't save me mommy, I cried for you, he told me you didn't love me and you would pick him over me"

"Listen to me baby" I cut her rant short

She stopped and looked into my eyes

"Who is here right now"

"Mama and Bentley" she answered

"That's right mama and baby not mama and daddy okay, I chose you and that will never change okay?" She nodded

"Now what do you say we go get some lunch"I asked she shook her head

"You gotta get some food in that tummy" I said ticking her tummy slightly

She didn't giggle but instead pulled away

"Hey, where's my happy girl gone huh?" I asked bringing her head back to the top of my chest

"I just want my mommy" she said and started to cry again

"Baby in right here, that's not going to change,look you have me"

"Look" I pulled out my breast

"That's Bentleys"

I put it back and Pulled up my shirt

"This little bruse is from where my baby kicked me last night when I tried to put her to sleep" I said then pulling my shirt back down

I opened my night stand and pointed to the diapers and wipes and pacifiers

"I keep those in my room for my baby"

"This smiles for Bentley" I smiled at her

"You have every inch of me" I told her taking her head in my hands

"And I save all these for Bentley" I yelled attacking her face in kisses

"I am you yours and you are mine" I said giving her one last kiss on the lips

She nodded

"Now I need to put a diaper on that but of mine" I said making my point even more clear if that is possible

I got her ready and in a flowey sun dress in hopes to not harm any of her sore spots

Bow time for that battle of feeding the little monster

"Eat this for mommy" I held up a spoon of apple sauce

"No I want my boobs" she wined

She's using my power against me. It took everything on me not to laugh at her, but you have to be strick perrie

"No you can't have your boobs until you eat the apple sauce"

"NOO" she yelled tears welling up in her eyes

"Please Bentley, your going to make yourself sick, you can't only have my milk"

She only cried throwing her head back hitting the high chair

I forced a spoonful in her mouth

She spit all of it out

"Bentley Michele Edwards" I said sturnly

"Mommy" she pushed

I didn't have the strength to punish her today

"Fine, come here" I picked her up and sat on the couch to nurse her



I tried to fit in what everyone suggested sorry if I missed anything please let me know

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