Too much

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Jesy and jade left and Bentley has some time with Leigh-Ann

"Mommy done" she said crawling to my legs

"Your done" I laughed picking her up

She nodded cutely

"Can jesy come in" she nodded

"Okay Leigh it seems as if you time is up" she left and jesy came in

"Hi Bentley"

Bentley didn't say anything

"Come on bug, can you say hi to auntie jesy" I said patting her bum

"No mommy" she said putting her head on my shoulder

"I'm sorry she's tired" I said rubbing Bentleys back and rocking side to side

"It's okay she's darling"

I felt Bentley put her little hand down my shirt telling me she wanted to nurse

"Actually jesy could you give us a minute" she left

"Are you ready love" I asked and she nodded

"Okay baby, it's just like a bottle okay you relax mommy will help you" I said sitting down on my bed

I pulled up my top and unhooked one side of my bra before helping her latch on

"AlL right babe it's all you now" I said after my part was over

She started slowly sucking but soon got faster and faster

"There you go mamas you got it" I said rubbing her back

"I love you Bentley" I said to her and she reached her hand to my face and gave it a little kiss

Only after around 15 minutes of feeding I decided to unlatch her cause she was falling asleep I laid her on my chest

She wined a little bit so I put a pacifier in her mouth then I took a mobey and rapped it around myself allowing her to stay in that position as I got up I walked downstairs and the girls went quiet

"Ready" Leigh Ann said as jade was admiring Bentley

"Don't you wake up that baby jade" I warned as I rapped my arms securely around Bentley who was winning

"shh" i cooed bounceing she started to settle down

"There we are princess, very good" I peace's quitely even tho she was asleep

When I placed her down in the car seat she started to wine and cry waking herself up

"Shh baby mommy's right here, calm down" I said stroking her little hands in mine

She smiled at me

"Hi love, ughh I'm gonna miss you while I'm driving"

"Really Perrie" jesy said

"What I can't help it I just love her so much"

I can around to my Sade and started to drive

I could hear Bentley blabbing

"What are you talking about love" I asked looking through my mirror

"Mama" she said when she heard my voice

The girls all cooed at her

"Alright guys leave her bee I want her to fall asleep"

"No" Bentley said I guess she heard me

"Excuse me miss" I joked

In the end she feel asleep

𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑖𝑒'𝑠 𝐿𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑙𝑒 𝑆𝑢𝑛𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑒Where stories live. Discover now