I love you

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"I love you too mommy"

I looked up at her

"You do?" I asked tears forming in my eyes

She nodded and wrapped her arms around me

I kissed her face multiple times, she let out her little belly laugh

"Mama" she giggled trying to push me away

"Mama" she said again but it sounded more like a cry

"What baby mommy's sorry" I said getting off her cheating to se did she was okay

"Tummy" she cried

I unzipped her sleeper and her poor stomach was so swollen

"Mommy sorry sweetie" I said as I started to massage it gently

"Hold me" she cried

"Okay, okay baby" I giggled at her

I picked her up and brought us downstairs

"Mommy" she wined

"What bug" I asked looking at her

"Down" she said and pointed at the floor

She crawled over to her toys and started to play quietly

I watched her from the door way of the living room before making us breakfast


Bentley wouldn't eat any breakfast

"Hey love bug, what's up today you seem kinda off" she ignored me and just stared at me

"Do you need a mommy cuddle" I asked she nodded as her lip poked out

I picked her up out of her high chair and soothed her as she started crying into my shoulder

"My sweet girl, are you still feeling sick" she shook her head

If she didn't feel sick then what was wrong


Bentley has been keeping to herself a lot today And when I did come near her or just do everyday things with her she was very fussy

She's watching a movie on the couch right now

"Mama" she called

I walked into the room

"Wan girls to come"

"You want the girls to come over?" I asked

She nodded

"I don't think they can today baby maybe tomorrow"

"Why" she wined tears forming in her eyes

"Your still a little sicky baby, I want to make sure your getting a lot of rest today" I said sitting next to her

"But mama" she started to cry

"Babygirl I think your hungry, your kinda a hot mess right now" I said taking her in my arms

She cried harder

I stroked her hair

She started to kick her legs and thrash around in my arms

"Hey young lady, that's very uncalled for" I said sternly

She onley continues to throw her tantrum kicking me in the rib

I stood her up and gave her three hard smacks on the bum.

"No ma'm" I said raising my voice

She ran away from me

"Bentley Michele Edwards come out right now" I yelled sternly

"Bentley if you don't come out by the time I count to five your in huge trouble young lady" I lowered my voice a little





"Fiv-" Bentley came running out of the closet and into my legs

"Now you will sit in you crib for an hour, but first you will eat lunch" she nodded and looked down at the floor a few tear drops dropped to her feet

I picked her up and walked into the kitchen

I wanted to comfort her so bad

But she did wrong and she should be punished

I would only give her 20 minutes on the corner If it wasn't already passed her nap time I hope she would just fall asleep

"Open" I told her

She complyed I scooped some noodles into her mouth

"Hot" she wined

"Okay, alright give it to mommy" I said I ping my hand for her to spit it in

She spit it out into my hand I put then in the trash can

"Baba" she asked

I thought about it for a second i mean at least she didn't ask for the boobs that would be a hard no

"You can have a baba when you go in your crib, what about some juice right now" I asked blowing on the noddles

She nodded eagerly

I put the noddles on her mouth before I made my way to the fridge

"Mama" she said

"Yes bug" I said handing her the juice

"I'm sorry" she looked down at her lap

"It's okay sweetie all's forgiven" I said lifting her chin with my finger holding her head in my two hands

"No mad" she said cutely

"No babygirl mamas not mad okay, I love you"

"I luv woo too mama" she said

"I know baby, but you still need to do your time" I joked

She giggled

Her sweet little giggle I could listen to it all day

I continued to feed her then I changed her diaper

I made her a bottle and placed her on my hip

"Mama" she wined slightly

"Yes sweet pea"

"Wan my boob" she said as I sat down in the rocking chair in her nursery

"No baby you've been a naughty girl, if your good after your timeout you can have mamas milk before bed" she didn't fight me but I saw tears form in her eyes

I placed the bottle in her mouth and she sucked it gently. After around 5 minutes I could tell she was getting tired so I placed her down on the crib with the bottle still in her mouth she started to cry

I quickly left the room after turning on the baby monitor

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