Auntie jade

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"Let's try some more food, look it's yum"
I held up another spoon full to her mouth

She shook her head still drinking her juice

I gave her some puffs and scrolled threw my instagram while she slowly picked at them

After a couple minutes I Hurd grunting coming from her end of the kitchen

"Oh lord we're in trouble now, what do I do" I said as I watched her little face get red as she lost her breath

"Lets call your mommy" I said more to my self then her course she is clearly busy

She picked up the phone

"Hey is everything okay?" She asked

"Yeah, it's just your child's pooping, she really hard at work and I don't know what I should do"

She sighed

"How little is she"

"Bentley baby, how big are you" she gist looked at me and giggled

"Well she's too little to give me a Verble response so pretty little I'd say"

"Umm this is a tricky situation you've got your self into then isn't it" she giggled

"Perrie it's not funny, she's starting to stink" I wined

"Just clean her up and let her go commando then I guess and if she pees on my floor then I guess there's nothing we can do to stop it, she's going threw a fase where she always wants to be naked"

"Great" I said sarcastically "how far away are you"

"I haven't even gotten to the store yet babe" she laughed

I sighed loudly

Bentley giggled at me

"It's not funny, I have to change your butt" I said to her she laughed harder

"Ugh listen to that sweet laugh"

"Perrie you were just here but 15 minutes ago"

"I know but she was in a bad mood, did she eat"

"She didn't eat anymore then you gave her, but she's snaking on some puffs though"

"Maybe she just had to poop"

"Don't remind me" I growend

"Please change my daughter so she doesn't get a rash i just pulled up, call me if you need anything" she hung up on me

"Ugh that was rude" I said

"Now miss Bentley, time to sort you out"

I reached my arms out to her

She went to me gladly

I changed her diaper while she giggled at me

I just let her go in her walker nakie as she would say

"Do you want a baba" I asked when she started to fuss

"MamamamamA" she babbled

"I know baby mommy will be here shortly, lets have some milk huh" I said picking her up

She started to cry on my hip

"Oh I know sweetie, you miss your mama don't you" I tried to soothe only making her cry harder

"Let's FaceTime her bug"

I pulled out my phone

"Baby what's wrong" she said when she saw Bentleys face

"Mama" she cried

"Baby mommy will be home in like 5 minutes, you can stay on the phone if you'd like"

She nodded

"Are you having fun with jadey" she asked not getting a response from Bentley who was now focused on a toy I had givin her

"Wow, that little huh?" She asked

"Yep, she's been a joy"

"I've never had her this little before"

"She feels a little warm" I said perrie after kissing her forehead

"Really, baby are you feeling alright"

"Mama" she wined

"Mamas driving as fast as she can bug"

"Mama" she wined louder

"Jade will you do me a favor and give her a small dose of benidrill" perrie asked
and I nodded

I gave the baby a little as she wined some more for her mama

𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑖𝑒'𝑠 𝐿𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑙𝑒 𝑆𝑢𝑛𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑒Where stories live. Discover now