Mommys coming back

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"Jades on her way baby, what would you like for dinner"

"Noo" she wined

"Hey now little lady, mommy's in charge, you haven't had anything real to eat today"

"Wan mommy milky" she cried

"No sweetie, you need food not milk, you can have milk before bed"

"Not hungry" she argued

"Your attitude tells me different"

"I no got tude" she said as I picked her up walking to the kitchen

"Mommy knows you, your hungry"

"I wan nothin, when jadey commin"

"Oh you want jadey now could mommy won't feed you"

"I wan play"

"You can play after you eat something" I put her in her high chair

"If your not going to choose mommy will choose for you" she didn't say anything but looked away from me instead

"Mommy didn't Laois that attitude, your going to get yourself in trouble" I warned gettin The carrot baby food out of the fridge from the other day before it go's bad

I put it in the microwave just as jade walked through the door

"Hi sweetie" she said bending down kissing Bentleys forehead

Bentley pulled her head away letting out an annoyed wine

"Ohh someone's moody, makes my job a lot harder"

"She's hungry, she will only let me breast feed her, if she asked for a bottle don't give in, if she's hungry she needs something real, there's left over spaghetti in the fridge"

"I got it pez don't worry" she reassured

"I don't want her to give you that hard of a time" I said taking the baby food out getting a baby spoon

I spooned a scoop into her mouth making air plane nosies

"Juice" she demanded

"Magic words....." I waited

"Pweese mama"

"Good manners" I scooped another spoon full into her mouth before getting a bottle of juice

"Okay baby, mommy's leaving, you let jade feed you, and be a good girl" she smile turned to a frown real quick

"You weave" she said tears forming in her eyes her lip poking out

I held back my coo

"Yes remember mommy told you that there's no more diapers, that's why I gotta hurry up, before you make a mess in that one"

"But don wan wo go mama"

"I'm sorry baby jades gonna stay with you, and after you eat I'm sure she will play with you, mommy won't be gone long
Pumkin" I said kissing her head before going to the door and walking out

As soon as I closed the door I could hear her cry

🏳️‍🌈𝑗𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑠 𝑃𝑂𝑉🏳️‍🌈

"Shh Bentley mommmy will be back soon let's eat some food" I said scooping up some baby food and holding it to her mouth

She quickly slapped my hand away dropping the spoon to the ground

"You've dons made a mess on mommy's floor now" I said getting up to clean it

"Let's calm down so you can finish eating"

"NOOO MY MAMA" she cried slipping deeper into her head space

"Shh sweetie I know, she won't be gone long, lets stop the tears okay, have some juice your going to make yourself sick" I said handing her the bottle full of the sweet liquid

She quickly took it into her mouth but yet a new set of tears falls onto her cheeks

I'm in for a long ride

𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑖𝑒'𝑠 𝐿𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑙𝑒 𝑆𝑢𝑛𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑒Where stories live. Discover now