Chapter 46 - Gateway Of India

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It was six in the morning when ri woke up. She tried to sleep more but was of no use she couldn't sleep as her sleep was completed.

She took a shower freshened up wore a sweatshirt and shorts as she was feeling hot with nike shoes. She went outside and made her way towards boys room and entered inside to see them still sleeping.

Sun was rising so ri pulled the blinds on so that they don't wake up due to lights. Ri left a message on the bedside table that she is going for a jogging as it was still early.

She pulled her phone out and saw the message on lifeguards group all were aww struck seeing the pictures and told that their morning was definitely good and were jealous from them as they can see it real and not in pics. Gina was thanking ri for sending whips such an adorable picture. Ri told that she will send more pics.

She got her sunnies, cap and left the room towards the elevator when someone called her from behind. She turned around and saw it was Nilay and others, "Good morning boys,you guys here early". Ri greeted to which they wished back. "Yeah we are staying in staff quarters over here for your safety tell me where are you going early morning?". He asked.

"Going for a jog as i wasn't able to sleep back and boys are still sleeping". Ri said and got in the elevator. "No problem we two are coming with you". He said getting in the elevator.

To hutz:
Good morning boo. I woke up it is past 6 in the morning over here and the boys are still sleeping, my sleep got completed so going for a jog. Don't worry bodyguards are coming with me. Do have your food on time. I love you and miss you boo:)

She messaged the him and put her phone back. As they made way out of the hotel ri pulled the cap and sunnies.

Ri started jogging from hotel to marine drive. Nilay and Rishi followed her by keeping a distance. She jogged till she covered 2.5km and took a U-turn and jogged back till hotel. It took her 1 hour to complete the routine and went to gym and did some work out for an hour and than went back to her room.

As she was all sweaty she took a shower again wore fresh pair of clothes put on her shoes and went to check on whip and jess.

She entered the room to find them awake and having coffee, "Good morning boys, had a good sleep". Ri greeted that got their attention.

"Morning baby girl yes we had a good sleep". Whip said. "You woke up early". Jess said.

"Yep i wasn't able to sleep so went for a jog and did some work out in the gym". Ri said and settled down.

"How much did you run than?". Jess asked. Ri looked at her watch. "Total 5 kms". Ri said.

"We need to keep our fitness level too, tomorrow if you wake up early than even wake us we will join you". Whip said and ri nodded.

"Sure thing". Ri said and ordered breakfast for them and sat there. Ri was checking her phone for any message but there was none.

Their breakfast came they had it and decided to relax till afternoon. Ri was looking at her phone for any message. Jess and whip observed it and asked.

"What's wrong baby girl you are checking your phone constantly". Whip asked. "I messaged boo in morning but there is no reply from him it has been 4 hours when i messaged him". Ri said frowning.

"They are working today maybe they might be busy". Jess said and ri shrugged her shoulders.

"Maybe i might be over thinking". Ri said and they are decided to change the topic.

"Soo baby girl when are we going out? ". Whip asked." After 11 so that there will be a bit crowd and we can blend into it and can even escape if someone spots us". Ri said and they nodded.

Making dreams come true (Bondi fanfic) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon