Chapter 37 - Outburst

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Ri and hutz were sleeping when their alarm went off. Hutz woke up first and turned their alarm off and looked at ri who was still sleeping snuggling closer to him making him happy.

"Good morning love, wake up we have work". Hutz said caressing her hairs kissing her forehead and ri stirred in her sleep opening her eyes.

"Good morning". Ri said kissing his cheeks and sat on the bed. Hutz sat and looked at her arm.

"Swelling has gone down, how is your pain". Hutz asked caressing her arms.

"Don't feel any pain, i hope this doesn't leave a scar like it did on my leg". Ri said looking at her arm.

"It won't be seen now come let's get ready for work". Hutz said getting up from his bed making his way towards the bathroom and ri made her way towards the kitchen to make breakfast and coffee.

Ri made toast and coffee and made her way towards her room to freshen up and get ready for work. After getting ready she made her way in the kitchen after gathering her stuffs to find hutz already sitting on the stool and having his breakfast.

Ri took a seat besides him and started having her breakfast after finishing off they both cleaned the dishes and made their way out of the apartment towards bondi.

After putting their things in locker they made their way into the tower. On duty were Jake, box, deano, whip, jess, reidy, corey, maxi, harries, jeff, Yatesy.

"Morning boys". Ri said keeping her things on the desk. "Morning baby girl and hutz". All greeted.

"How's your arm baby girl". Reidy asked and others turned around to have a look.

"Better than before". Ri said pulling her sleeves up showing them her arm.

"Jeez baby girl this is pretty nasty". Jeff said having a closer look as he wasn't on duty yesterday and even corey and yatesy leaned in to have a look.

"You are really brave baby girl to fight that guy despite being injured". Corey said and ruffled her hairs making her to smile.

"Not only that she helped a women deliver a beautiful healthy baby girl that too without assistance". Maxi said grinning and took ri in a hug kissing her forehead and they looked shocked.

"We were getting scared hearing the screams of the lady but she handled it pretty well". Hutz said.

"You must be absolute amazing". Corey said and harries nodded.

"Mate you could have seen her working she was calm, composed and was soothing that helped the lady to stay calm". Harries said and the others looked at her with a proud expression on their face.

Ri was rostered at tower till afternoon with Yatesy and harries, at North end with corey till 3 and middle set of flags with jeff for the rest of the day.

Everyone took their position. Ri, yatesy and harries sat there watching water.

"Precious did you take your medicines?". Harries asked whilst watching water that's when she realised she forgot.

"Umm i forgot to take them". Ri said with a sheepish smile on her face making harries to look at her.

"You are taking it now". Harries said to which ri nodded and took her medicine making a bad face she was drinking water when she saw a cockroach making her to jump out of the seat and water went into her windpipe and she started coughing.

Yatesy immediately got by her side rubbing her back to calm her down her face had turned red due to coughing but it soon subside.

"You alright sweetie?". Yatesy asked rubbing her back. "Yeah". Ri said taking deep breaths.

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