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"help me make him jealous" said seungmin looking towards yoobin. "Sure what you want me to do?" Yoobin says taking a sip if his hot coco. "I know it sounds stupid but- oh wait you're actually agreeing?" Seungmin asks not expecting that answer from the older.

"I mean it sounds pretty fun so why not?" Says yoobin calmly. "Okay so you have to act like your flirting with me and I'll act like I'm always flustered. Of course we only have to do this in public tho" seungmin says. "I got your back babe" says yoobin Winking at seungmin.

Seungmin fake gags and laughs after. "Yah! Don't laugh at me!" Says yoobin acting offended. "Stop being dramatic you big baby" says seungmin laughing and yoobin joining him.

They finished their food and parted ways. Seungmin was walking back to the building with his dorm in. He entered his dorm and was surprised to see this one person standing in the entrance.

"Suprise motherfudger" said yeji moving her sunglasses with her finger. "Oh my god yeji you scared me! And have you been spending time with felix?" Seungmin asks her chuckling. "I'm sorry! And also yes I hung out with him yesterday and today" says yeji smiling awkwardly.

"That's why! And why are you here?" Seungmin asks her in confusion. "Why does it sound like you don't want me here?" She says giving a pout. "Noo of course I want my yejiji here! I'm just curious to what you're doing here late at night" seungmin says hugging her.

"I'm your new roommate silly! The annoying hyejin girl switched with me because her stupid side chick lived in my dorm" yeji said making seungmin laugh. "Oh my god I'm so happy you're here and that bitch is finally gone" seungmin said happily hugging yeji.

"Seungmin language! And does this mean I can come to your room anytime I can't sleep?" She says chuckling. "You didn't mind your language when you greeted me right there" seungmin says furrowing his eyebrows and pouting in a joke.

"I didn't even say the word!" She says in defence. "Okay sure then" says seungmin sarcastically. "You're so mean!" She says pouting and walking away. Seungmin only laughs and heads to his own room.

Yeji gets changed into her blue pyjamas and tucks herself to bed. Seungmin gets into his night wear and goes to the kitchen to make some coffee. He had some work to get done so he decided to stay awake for a while to do his work.

He started at 9:30 and it was 12 now. He sat in his bed not feeling sleepy at all. Just then he saw someone poke their head into his room. "Can I come in?" Asks yeji cutely. "I'm not sleepy so sure" seungmin responds with a smile.

Yeji sat in his bed with both of talking about school and other nerd stuff along with gossip on the school's popular people. And just like that they stayed up all night talking about random topics.

Someone else couldn't sleep either. Hyunjin, who had gotten into bed almost an hour ago still couldn't sleep because he was thinking about this one person. Seungmin.

He wondered why seungmin had ignored him and left without saying anything. Poor hyunjin, he even stopped by seungmin's dorm to check up on him but left because seungmin wasn't there.

Nothing would work when his friends tried cheering him up. He was too busy thinking about seungmin. He was also really jealous when minho told him that seungmin was hanging out with yoobin in the cafe.

A few more hours passed by and hyunjin finally slept. The morning came by fast as hyunjin was woken up by his alarm ringing loud. He really missed the times seungmin had come to wake hime up even if he got smacked in the face with a pillow everytime.

He did his normal morning routine and changed into his outfit. He was feeling extra sad today so he wore a black hoodie along with black trousers. He pulled the hoodie over his head and walked out of his room to make some coffee.

He drank his coffee and woke his hyungs up. It was 5:00 now so he decided to visit felix's and jisung's room. He just needed to get some things off his chest. His heart felt heavy.

He knocked on the door and jisung opened the door. "Hey ji I wanted to get some things off my chest can I come in?" Hyunjin asks politely. "of course you can hyung" says jisung.

"Who's at the door?" Asks felix. "Its hyunjin" jisung responds. Felix walks up to him. "Hey hyung- oh wait why are you in all black? Are you sad today?" Asks felix in concern. "Yeah I'm kinda down today" he says looking down.

"Hey tell us why you're sad" says jisung helping hyunjin sit down in the couch on their room as they sit next to him. "Seungmin's ignoring me" he says playing with his fingers. "What?" Jisung and felix say together.

"He's been ignoring me since yesterday after math class. He wasn't even there in his dorm when I went there because he was hanging out with yoobin" hyunjin says pouting.

"Yeah minho hyung and I saw them in the cafe together too" jisung blurted out. Felix looked at jisung angrily and gestured him to shut up. "I didn't think I would care this much but it's just making me really upset" hyunjin says putting his hands on his face.

Jisung and felix simply hugged hyunjin and told him it would be alright soon and seungmin would start being normal again even though they weren't sure of it. "Thanks guys I can always count on you to make me feel better" he says with a weak smile on his face.

Everyone headed to their classes and began the day again. The first three subjects were really boring and hyunjin kept thinking about seungmin. Soon break came by and hyunjin finally had a chance to talk to seungmin.

Seungmin and yoobin were sitting together again. You could see the jealousy in hyunjin's eyes. They were even flirting and getting touchy with each other.

Hyunjin just stood up and speed walked to the bathroom. He didn't realise that tears were already running down his face. 'Do I have a crush on seungmin?' He thought to himself.

He compared him behaviour with other people and his behaviour with seungmin. He was different towards seungmin. He didn't realize he had a crush that had been growing deeper. He wiped his tears and tried thinking that seungmin would be normal in a few days but it didn't work so he just let his tears flow.

Two days had passed by and seungmin was still ignoring hyunjin and acting all touchy and shy with yoobin. The day was Saturday and hyunjin still hadn't recieved any calls or texts from seungmin. He had enough. He rushed to seungmin's dorm angrily.

The door was opened by a sleepy seungmin and hyunjin pinned seungmin against the wall angrily. Seungmin was shocked because he hadn't seen this side of hyunjin before.

"Why have you been doing this?"

I know things getting steamy but I just wanna give hyunjin the warmest and biggest and most tight hug ever 😔 poor boy's been through so much 😭
Love you 😔💖

𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐬||SeungjinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora