30| take you home

Start from the beginning

"I thought that the boy you have talked to me about in the past would make an appearance. Did it end up not working out?" Aunt Claire asks. If she only knew.

"It's complicated." Was all that I could manage to get out. It was no lie, Connery and I's relationship was hanging on by the tiniest thread. With everything that has happened, I don't think we would be able to get what we had back (deep down I hoped there was a possibility) but Connery's attitude is proof enough that there will never be an us again. Even though I haven't accepted it yet, I will eventually have to.

"I see," Aunt Claire pauses. "I almost forgot to tell you something, but you have to promise that you will be okay. Grandma and I had a heavy discussion about it, but it's her wedding."

I instantly started to worry and I could feel my stomach drop. I prayed that Aunt Claire didn't say what I thought she was going to say. With all that has been happening, I didn't even have time to think about that. "It's about Kingston isn't it?"

"You know that his parents have been friends with the family for the longest time, even after you guys broke up." Aunt Claire explains and I felt like I was going to throw up. It's been four years and even though it has been a long time, I wasn't ready to face him. If I was being honest, I don't think I would ever be. I think of him and I lived the pain over again instantly.

"I get it," I say upset.

"Grandma invited his parents and his granny too. They are practically best friends. That doesn't mean he's going to make an appearance, he's at Clemson but I just wanted you to prepare for it just in case."

"I wasn't expecting for Grandma to un-invite them to her wedding, I would never ask that of her," I tell Aunt Claire. "It just caught me off guard, if he does show up it was about time I face the music. It's been four years. I'll be fine, don't worry about me." Lies.

"If you ask, you know she will, even if we're only a day from the wedding. She loves you that much." Aunt Claire chuckles. "I have to go now, but I will be seeing you later baby girl. Have a safe trip."

"I know she does, I might even dare to say that she loves me way more than she loves you." I joke and Aunt Claire laughs. "I'll see you later, bye."

I hung up the phone and I put it inside my small carry on bag. Before walking out of my room with my luggage I made sure to scan the room to make sure I wasn't leaving anything behind. I was only going to be in Arizona for two full days since I had to drive back on Sunday morning, so I didn't need much.

Once I was sure I wasn't leaving anything important behind I walked out of my room to the living room. Peyton was sitting on one of the stools in the kitchen with a bowl of cheerios in hand. "You're leaving already?" She frowns.

"Yes, it's a nine-hour drive, the quicker I leave the quicker I get to Arizona," I tell her. A nine-hour drive by myself didn't sound fun at all. Even with the millions of playlists I have on my phone, I was bound to get bored. "I wish you were coming with me though."

"Same here babe," Peyton frowns. "But I bet you'll still have fun without me. I'm the life of every party but I'm sure that you can have a good time, even with my absence."

I let out a laugh. "There's no lie there, I'm sure you'll be the life of the party at dinner with Dant's parents this weekend."

"I would beg to differ, I'm never nervous, but for some reason just the thought of meeting Dant's parents makes me want to throw up." Peyton sighs. " Any tips for a first-timer?"

I honestly don't know why she's asking for my advice, I'm the least qualified person in that department. Now, if she were asking me for a way to make Dant's parents hate the very fact that she exists, I'm pretty sure I was qualified enough to give her a few pointers.

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