" High School Sweetheart Pt.2" (Tanaka Ryūnosuke)

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Y/n: "Hey Tanaka? Despite all the pretty girls why did you chose me?"

Tanaka: "Because there's this spark that i only see between you and me. The way you make me feel is unexplainable, i can't describe it but i know it's feeling."

I just giggled at how he said that, quite the man who is romantic but would suddenly use his hand to explain some sor- i don't know it's also unexplainable.

Tanaka: "It's not what on the outside that attracts me rather it is on the inside. Kiyoko is pretty but did she choose me? No. It's not all about who's pretty, She's happy with Nishinoya now. The guy who I would mostly argue with just because i thought that they would end up together."

"And they did.."

We both said softly..


That was my last conversation i had with him , and now here i am standing as i watch them say their vows. After everything that happened they still managed to be together. Kiyoko and Tanaka.. I wish you the best in life.

True love doesn't really exist huh? Farewell now my High school Sweetheart.

This how it will be ending! I would like leave Nishinoya a mystery!! I'm sorry for this chapter :(( There will be more than just this sad chapter so journey with me!! Thank you for all your support!!

Samantha_Alanan your request!!!

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