"Let's write about us" (Bokuto Kotaro)

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"Hi, you're the author that writes so good, right?"

"You and your books are impressive!"

"Please sign this."

Those were the words that i used to hear everytime i pass by your office, you are mister famous after all. Known for writing books that would surely be the joy of one's.

And I, as his girlfriend supports and loves him endlessly. Nothing would change that, no one will be able to. Because till the end it's him and me.

Y/n: "Bokuto, what would you like? I'll pass by the store, the one nearby with Kuroo."

He took a glance at me that only lasted for at least 3 seconds and fixed his glance on his papers again that were infront of him.

Bokuto: "What's yours baby owl, same goes for me. I'm busy today so you might as well just let Kuroo drop you off home."

Again? I mean it's fine with me. But.. i miss him you know. I've been longing his touch and love for me. It's really been a long time ever since he came this far.

I just nodded at him like a secretary and headed outside. I went out with Kuroo to buy some snacks, unexpectedly he brought something up.

It was unusual for me, he usually won't say anything when he's with me. Like nothing, you can clearly hear the wind as we walk.

Kuroo: "He let me walk you home again?"

Y/n: "Yeah, I mean i understood him, he has several paper works to still do. But do you know what bothers me the most?"

He just looked at me, still willing to listen to me. I'm literally opening up now.

Y/n: "Isn't writing supposed to be fun? Not only will he just sit there and hold a pen. I want him to explore every inch of this world together, it helps with writing, i know that."

Kuroo: "You just miss him, it's clear. I know you do, he just really got stuck to writing inside that office."

Kuroo: "Other employees, mistaken us for dating, don't you want to clear that up?"

Y/n: " That's fine, they all know that me and Bokuto are dating."

We arrived at the store and got what we need, especially the snacks.

Y/n: "Hey Kuroo, i know that we've been friends for a while. Can you hang out with me, even just a little of your time. I want to cry."

Kuroo: "Anything for you."

He smiled, tears were already forming but i held it in for others to not see me.

We arrived at a nice and clean place, where the ocean can be seen, we sat on the chairs as my head fell on his chest. I cried.

Kuroo: "Hey, it's okay. Let it out, cry if you want, i'll be here. Just tell him later on so that you won't be keeping feelings like this bottled up."

He held my head and caressed my hair softly, he held me close. He knew i wanted that.

Y/n: "Thanks a lot Kuroo, for being there. I really owe you a lot."

Kuroo: "Hate to break it to you, but we were gone for 2 hours. I'm sure Bokuto would worry so let's head back."

I stood up and patted my dress. When i looked back, there he was. Bokuto standing looking back at me.

I felt embarassed as he probably saw me at this state. Without hesitation, i ran to him and hugged him, he did too. I felt small teardrops fell on my shoulder.

Y/n: "Bokuto.. are you crying?"

He was, no need to ask anymore.

Bokuto: "I had no idea, you felt this way . I really.. am sorry. I've been a bad boyfriend all along."

Y/n: "Hey, you aren't. You don't have to worry. I understand you."

It's really tough when you want to say something and words can't be formed to say it aloud. I longed for him didn't i so why am i saying all of these?

Bokuto: "No, you don't"

I was surprised, i didn't know how to react to that, was he mad, concerned or defensive?

Bokuto: "I'm here now, so tell me what's in there."

He grabbed my hand and placed my index finger pointing to the direction of my heart.

Bokuto: "What's in here.."

Tears were once forming, i really hate this.

Y/n: "The only thing I've always wanted was for you to spend time with me too. I really missed you."

That was the only thing that came out even if i got several emotions mixed and bottled up inside of me, it's hard to express it.

Bokuto: "You could have told me, I'm sure that you were wandering why i would always just stare at you if you walk in to my office. It's because you're looking elegant in the dresses i gave you. I was even planning to take a vacation with you, that's why i was trying to finish everything as early as possible. Because after this whole thing that i've been doing for almost my entire life, i didn't even know that i would be retiring from it. Even i was longing for you too."

Y/n: "You would be retiring from it? I'm sorry, have i said to much, you could reconsider."

I started panicking, i didn't know what to do, i was thinking of several possi-

His hand was on my cheek as he kissed me,

Bokuto: "Don't worry about it, not everyone deserves to know what were about."

He leaned it again, kissing me gently

Bokuto: "Not everyone gets to see what we are."

He kissed me, this time he was holding my nape for more access.

Bokuto: " Not everyone gets to read us, so right now, imagine me retiring."

I was also kissing back now,

"So please stay with me until the end, I don't care if this night or morning ends as long as I get to spend it with you, that's enough to make me shine with you once again."

We both said and looked straight into each other's eyes. That's a line from one of his famous books that got sold out worldwide.

AHHHHH i'm very proud of myself for writing this!! All quotes were mine!! Thank you so much for your love and support!! Please vote :))

Haikyuu!! x ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum