"Convenient Store" (Daichi Sawamura)

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                                                                                    Y/n's POV

We went home after we attended the party, not gonna lie, it was a blast.

I sat down on the couch as soon as i got home

Daichi: "Do you want me to get you something from the convenient store? I'll be going for a while."

Y/n: "I don't exactly know.. hmm let me think.."

Daichi: "I bet you're craving for some ice cream! Aren't you?"

Y/n: "Well yeah."

I then let a little giggle, he really knows everything about me.

Y/n: "You know what? I'll be going with you, sounds a little fun to go the the convenient store."

Daichi: "You're silly, you know that?"

He then laugh.. ahh that laugh of his gets me everytime..

We went out and went to get food, I just drunk a slushie on the way home, not eating anything yet. Before we went out we got some chips and snack for ourselves.

On the way home, without asking.. he told me why he loved me and grateful for having a girl like me to be in his life. Damn perfect boy right?  Just listening to it will make me tear up...

We arrived home and sat down for a while.. cuddling with each other on the couch, just melting into each other's arms.. the night taking over us and just looking at the sky which can be clearly seen through the window.

We both witnessed how beautiful the sky is..

Y/n: "It's beautiful isn't it?"

I said while looking at the sky

Daichi: "Just like you.."

He then once melted into my arms..

Y/n: "I love you.."

Daichi: "I love you too.."

Then he suddenly just scremed out of nowhere..

Daichi: "AhHHH damn the ice cream! The ice cream's gonna melt."

He grabbed the ice cream and brought it to me.. clumsy..

Daichi: "Do you want to eat already?"

Y/n: "I'm fine with eating it, would you like some?"

I ended up sharing my ice cream with him even though he bought his own..

Haikyuu!! x ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя