Christmas Special (a sad late one lol)

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Early days where students would catch us together. Those were the days I cherished the most.

We would sit on the teacher's desk and even scribble words which were inappropriate. It was fun. Being scolded together was the best experience I had with him which brought me back to the days where we used to fight for our love with everyone disapproving.

Days like those were the best. Even if we had grown now, I would still go back. Go back to him, always will.

We passed by our old school and it was an opportunity for me to not miss. My friends were with me however I decided to go alone. The hallways remained the same with the lockers filled with the same things that they left behind. It seems to be their time capsule.

I was on the way to our former room and surprisingly nothing changed. Memories flashed through my mind and when it did I couldn't help but run towards the teacher's desk and sit. I had fun, I still do and I hope you do too.

I laughed and smiled, looking back at those memories. If they brought their time capsule obviously I have mine too. But a time capsule would not disappear right? Surely it won't surprisingly it's not the same for me.

I looked out the window which was just beside the desk, still smiling despite losing my time capsule, He was my time capsule after all, even I didn't know a time capsule would disappear. I thought that going back to it would make me see him at least just one last time. I forgot he was human and not just an item nor object that you can easily find if it parts from this world.

My friends checked on me, asking if i was okay. I responded with a positive "yes" not minding how my eyes slowly lose hope as my tracks began to go nowhere. I don't know what to do without you. It's slowly destroying me, It really is.

She was too caught up in fantasy that she forgot that there was this thing called "Reality".

Haikyuu!! x ReaderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat