Chapter Nine

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Over the course of a few days I told Luca everything my grandma had told me, and got back into my past routine.

"Come on Miah, you did this to me and Luca, now we're doing it to you." I state firmly.

"Why can't you do this to Cammie." She groans.

"Because she already has a mate." I sigh, crossing my arms. "Luca's sister. I thought I told you."

She throws a pillow at me, I catch it before it hits my shoulder "No you didn't, you didn't even tell me he had a sister."

"It never fit in any of our conversations." I throw the pillow back at her "and don't change the subject."

"Whatever, I gotta get ready." She says, then proceeds to ignore my attempts at conversation until we get to Bookworm.

As I'm putting books away, I feel arms circle my waist and pull me against a wall of heat. "Morning Red."

I lean my head into his neck gently. "Morning."

He kisses the top of my head while tilting my head to place my cheek on his collarbone. A feeling of contentment settles around me. As I shift my head I feel a cold sensation press against my skin.

I straighten up and turn in his arms and upon seeing a silver chain around his neck; I grab it to pull it out gently. They're the dog tags I had noticed he wears around his neck. I trace my thumb against the numbers and letters indented into the cold metal. "You never did tell me what these are."

"It runs in my family. The male side, at least. My dad did it, and I did it too. The first one marks the day I became alpha, and the pack."

"December 1st....just two years ago." I mumble to myself " and Silver Fury Pack."

I flip the tag over to see the other tag. "And this one?"

"The day I met my mate," he answers in a soft tone.

I furrow my eyebrows. "But this date is from ten years ago."

I look at him, questioning his knowing smirk, then it hits me "You were that boy in the bookstore, weren't you?" I recall fondly, only for confusion to fog my thoughts again. "Wait, so who was that wolf in the woods?"

He sighs. "My father. He was leading a hunting party, and....." he trails off.

"I followed the prey." I conclude. I narrow my eyes at him. "Is that why you looked angry when I told you?"

"He could've hurt you."

I wrap my arms around his neck. "Oh Luca." I giggle at his adorable, pouting face. Just as he's leaning in, a voice breaks us apart. "Okay, lovebirds, me and Abby are going to an under 21 club in the town over, and you two are gonna convince Miah and Ace to come. Kinda like a triple date." She says determinedly.

Me and Luca look at each other with raised eyebrows, mischievous smiles spreading on our lips. We then nonchalantly slink over to our best friends.

"Hey Miah."

She narrows her eyes at me in suspicion. "What do you have planned?" she accuses.

"Oh, I don't have anything planned, but me and Luca, Cammie and Abby, and Ace," at his name her eyebrows quirk upward, "are going out and I thought you might wanna go."

In the corner of my eye I see Luca and Ace talking. I subtly look over with a side eye glance, Luca doing the same and nodding slightly.

"Uh yeah sure." She stutters, a rosy tint painted across her cheeks.

I turn my eyes back to her. "Cool, we'll leave around 8."

"You sure that my letting out my party demon is a way to attract Ace?" She states sarcastically.

"Well, if you look sexy, don't get sloppy, and make him jealous, then yes. Yes, I do." I confidently say.


"The cliche thing of making a guy jealous over a girl he's not dating and then he gets mad and confesses?"

She nods thoughtfully then asks carefully, "Have you told Luca about the one of the last parties you ever been to."

I take a deep breath. "No, not yet. It's a...hard topic to talk about and whenever I go to tell him, I get distracted and forget everything." I smile. "For now, this bookworm wants to have fun."

She returns the smile. "Oh, to be in love."


Later, me and Miah are dressed in dresses that hug us like cling wrap and makeup done to the nines.

It felt good to dance to music while getting ready side by side to my best friend. Knowing I had a handsome guy wait to pick me up and a fun night ahead of us. Felt like this summer was going to really be one for the ages.

Ace and Luca come to pick us up, and I take the front with Luca, placing Miah with Ace in the back.

"You look beautiful." I hear Ace say in a low voice.

"Thanks, you don't look bad yourself." She replies while buckling in.

I glance at Luca with a knowing smirk, but, not to my surprise, he's looking me up and down."You wanna start driving there Casanova?" I tease.

His eyes shoot to mine and as he begins to drive to the club, he retorts, "You know if I had any say, other men wouldn't be allowed within five feet with you looking so gorgeous."

"Someone's protective." Miah mumbles in my ear.

"You do know werewolves have heightened hearing, right?" Luca asks rhetorically.

"She has a point babe." I chuckle.

We pull up next to the club and he wraps a protective arm around my shoulders. "What's with this new pet names thing?"

"Want me to stop?" I ask, knowing he won't.

He pulls me impossibly close "Never."

I rise up and give him a short, sweet kiss. "Good."

The four of us walk in, finding that Abby and Cammie have already found us a booth. We sit down and order our drinks and appetizers to share.

I lean over towards Miah and whisper, "You should go and dance. I guarantee a guy will come dance with you."

"Why would I want a guy to dance with me?"

"Because Ace hasn't taken his eyes off you since he saw you in that dress, and I can take a wild guess that he won't like another guy dancing with you." I clarify.

"Yeah but it can backfire."

"I'll make sure it doesn't. Just trust me."

She looks at me for reassurance, which I give in a nod. She then slides out the booth and onto the dance floor. I watch her sway her hips and get lost in the music. She's always been a good dancer, and like I predicted, a guy comes to dance with her.

I glance over at Ace. His jaw is clenched, and knuckles white from how hard he is gripping the edge of the table.

I smile when, before I can even get a word in, he gets up and stalks toward Miah. He grips the back of the guy's shirt and discards him away from her. He latches onto her wrist and marches away to a side exit.

"I will be getting that story later."

"Your good Red." Luca compliments in my ear.

"I don't know what you mean." I say, feigning innocence.

He smiles shaking his head "Just promise you won't ever try to make me jealous like that." he requests.

I look away, taking a sip of my drink.

"Red." He says a warning tone lacing his words.

"Luca." I mock with batting, innocent eyes.

He tugs me by my waist. "Little minx."

I rub my nose against his affectionately. "You like it." I suggest.

"Mhm" he hums, then presses his lips against mine.

All I can think is nothing could ruin this moment.

But then I remember the last time I thought that.

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