Chapter Thirteen

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These past couple of weeks have been both blissful and frustrating. Luca and I have been closer than ever, exploring each other's interests, hopes, and plans, even making plans of our own.

However, we're rarely ever truly alone, and when we do get alone, it's rarely for very long. Unfortunately, seeing as we crave each other emotionally and physically.

I had at one point expressed wanting to wait to actually take the next step, though my emotions were way ahead of me before I could even realize. I learned things are much more fast-paced in a supernatural relationship. There's usually no slow, unsure "talking" phase. However, seeing as I was raised with a human mindset, my head was at odds with my instincts — at least they were.

Now I have wanted nothing more than for him to mark me and complete the process, to become fully his. Though it seems I'm having trouble voicing my thoughts.

Luca pins my waist to his bed, brushing his hands along my back, leaving tingles on my bare skin. I become breathless as he gently kisses and caress my neck; seeming to be his favorite thing, like if he can't actually mark me, at least he leaves a placeholder. And he always did. Though it hasn't been able to ease his anxiety and restlessness.

Recently, Dean has taken a liking to annoy and tease Luca at every chance, even goes as far as to taunt his wolf. With my cousin pulling at every thread of calm, nagging on every nerve, the mental frustration is almost worse than the physical frustration.

I lace my fingers through his hair as he moves across my neck.

"You guys can't get enough of each other, can you?" Miah teases.

He pulls away, clearly agitated by once again another interruption.

And I am too "What do you want Miah?"

"Oh, you know-just to tell you that Ace is trying to kill Dean," She states casually.

I let out a long groan, slipping out under Luca.

"No" he grunts, trying to pull me back "Let him kill Dean." He pouts.

I chuckle. "Still my cousin Luca. And one of the few ones that doesn't want to kill me." I kiss his temple and slip out from his arms.

"He deserves it." He grumbles as I walk away.

I go down the stairs to see Ace has Dean pinned against the wall.

"Okay boys, that's enough." I call monotonously.

Ace shoves himself back. "Your cousin's an asshole Rae."

"Fully aware Ace."

"Hey!" Dean scoffs.

"What he do this time?" I ask.

"He fucking made a move on Miah!" Ace exclaims.

"Awe so protective." Miah teases playfully.

I chuckle "More like territorial. You do realize that he did that just to rile you up? Like he has the power to fling you across the room but chose not to."

Ace growls low, wrapping his arms around Miah.

"I also did it because I knew Miah was gonna get you, and I think we all know what that would interrupt." He says, glancing at something behind me.

I pinch between my eyes and think maybe if I just asked if he could mark me he would do it now.

"Hey RaeRae" Miah calls somewhat sheepishly.

"Mhm." I hum in response, looking up at her.

Her cheeks slowly tinge pink "I want to talk to you about something."


She pulls me outside and sits us down on the bench under the covered deck. I look around, noticing the rain. "You came outside cause it's raining and it would muffle what we were talking about, didn't you?" I voice my suspicion.

"Seriously, are you sure your powers are locked away?"

"Pretty damn sure. Whats up?"

"Um...I'm not sure how to start" she looks up at me bashfully. "I want to ask Ace to mark me, but I don't know how." She rushes out.

I sigh "Oh thank god, I thought I was the only one."

"You too?" She questions.

"Me too."

Then I perk up "Wait, is the fearless, strong, don't take shit from anyone, don't give a shit what you think, I get what I want when I want Miah," I giggle, "Scared?"

"Shut up." She said while hitting my arm, "Don't you think it's all a little fast though?"

I shrug. "I mean, things work differently here, and it feels right, so why not?"

She nods while in thought, then turns and smiles at me. "Anyway, I think I kinda suspected as much from you."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Well, besides the fact that you've had hickeys for the past week, nothing." She says smirking.

"We're pathetic." I chuckle dryly, "I mean, I'm supposed to be this badass colored werewolf hybrid thing, but can't even ask for one simple thing that I know for a fact he would gladly do."

"Are you positive you want it?"

"Yes," I state. That I'm certain of. I've never yearned for anything, yet I ache for him. "Not only will it allow me to be connected to Luca in a way I could never have been with a normal human, I'll finally have a missing piece of myself, the part I never knew I needed, but always felt..lost."

"Not only that, but you're a horny teenage girl who has an extremely hot boyfriend that's obsessed with you." She giggles.

I hit her arm playfully. "Hey, we're in the same boat, well, besides the whole, unlock powers and wolf destiny thing."

"Ever imagine what it's gonna be like?" she asks.

"What do you mean?"

"When you get a wolf. The wolf and human, you'll have another person, well wolf, in your head," she pokes my head "a little voice to add to the others."

I swat at her hand. "I don't have voices in my head weirdo."

Grandma did explain to me the unlocking process though. That when Luca marks me, I'll probably be overwhelmed with heightened senses and flooding powers. That not only would I mark him back, but that I would shift immediately after. I also heard it hurt the first time, and that since I haven't shifted in years, it would hurt even worse.

Can't wait.

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