Chapter Five

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The weeks flew by in a blur and found myself constantly in situations that Cammie and Miah kept setting up where it's just Luca and I. They once asked me to put a stack of extra books in the back room, only to send Luca to help me, where were then trapped us when they "accidentally" closed the door. They then blasted the AC so we would feel compelled to huddle closer.

To make matters worse, Ace joined them in their shenanigans. In full honesty, though I would never admit it to them, it's working. These past few weeks have been dream-like with Luca, we met only a little over a month ago, but it feels as if we've known each other since childhood.

I found talking to him is the best part of my day. Getting to each other and laughing came with ease. I picked up on his habits, dreams, fears, what he loves, hates, and he learned mine. I recognize the feelings as romantic and though the idea of opening myself up to that chance of heartbreak, I found the thought of Luca eased my fears.

To gather my thoughts, I decide to go for a walk. Why do I feel this pull when I'm around him? Should I really put myself in the position where I could get hurt to be with him?

I realize I've gone farther than I intended to, but I'm enjoying the walk, so I continue. I walk up the trail until I come to the edge of a clearing. I again see the thing that I had hit. This time I can see it clearly. It's a massive wolf with pitch black fur and deep crimson eyes.

I move to take a step closer, only to freeze when it turns its head to look dead at me. Though it looks like it can kill, I feel no fear, only a feeling of familiarity that pushes me to take a step forward.

The wolf is taller than I am, so I have to look slightly up to meet its eyes. I don't notice how close we are until it shoves its cold and wet nose in my hair and neck, sniffing it.

I giggle and cup its muzzle, pushing it down "Hey cold nose, that tickles." But it continues to push against my hands to get to my neck, against its strength I fall down and start laughing.

I look up, smiling at it, and it gives me a wolfish grin in return. I can't shake the feeling of familiarity and comfort.

As I get up, it slowly walks away, then turns its head as if to check if I'm following.

"Sure follow a wolf in the woods. 'Cause that's completely sane and normal. I'm seriously losing my mind." I grumble to myself, following nonetheless.

I follow the wolf, side by side until we come to the mouth of a cave and I stop. The wolf comes behind me and nudges my back with its head to go forward. I hear the waterfall before I see it, the clear blue water shines as if filled with diamonds. Shades of lush green surround the cliff walls around this clearing.

The wolf nudges me again, and I look up at it with a smile. I walk over to a boulder and lay against it. The wolf lays down next to me, dropping its big head on my lap. I pet its silky fur and think.

Why am I so calm right now? Why is this lethal predator basically purring at my touch Why did it show me this hidden cove? What is the familiar feeling from? Running it over? It's eyes? Or more?

"It's your eyes I see in the window, Huh buddy? The thing I hit the other day. Why are you so fascinated with me, bud?" I ask more to myself. It tilts its head to look at me then nuzzled into me further. I give it a small smile. "Guess you can't really answer that, huh?" I muse.

All of a sudden, its ears twitch and it gets up, its warmth leaving me, a warmth that triggers that familiar feeling. It throws me a seemingly sad look before running off.

After it leaves, I walk back to the clearing and down the path. Everything about today has confused me even more.But again a feeling of anticipation flooded over me.

I'm glad I took that walk.

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