Chapter 37

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I've reached the grand hall and take a seat with Luna, whose sat with the usual Harry, Ron and Hermione. Draco hasn't got here yet so I start to eat, maybe I can finish before he gets here.
"How were classes?" Luna asks.
"Good, actually. Just long," I admit. "How 'bout yours?"
She shrugs, "The same, only mine where long because of all the times I had to keep my attention to my classes."
"Mmm, I feel you there. Sometimes-." I'm quickly interrupted by Harry's sudden urge to stand from his seat. My eyes follow him as he makes his way up to a girl. That's Katie. Katie Bell. Harry looks to of started a conversation but he too is interrupted, his eyes moving to the grand hall entrance. I follow his graze... Draco. Harry rushes to follow Draco as he leaves the room. I stand. "(Y/N), no." Luna's got a hand on my lower arm asking me not to go. "Stay." I sit again but I've lost my appetite, I'm trying to stay where I am but I'm desperate to find where the two boys have gone.
"What's going on?" I ask.
"I've gotten no clue," Hermione says. Luna shakes her head.
"Me either."
"Well," I hesitate, "I want to find out."
"No, it'll end in a mess."
My eyes move from the group to Snape, he's leaving the room in a rush, cape flowing behind him. "If it does then I should go." Without any more of an argument I stand and leave the table. As soon as I make it out to the hall I see Snape in the distance down the hall. I decide to follow him. He must know what's going on, right? We, me following behind and Snape in a rush, make our way to one of the boys washroom. The place is a mess and professor McGonagall is already here, she seems to have a pitted look on her face, but why? Harry pushes past McGonagall and I and then my eyes land on the problem. I too feel filled with pity, but not just pity. "Draco," I whisper. I start to walk towards him and Snape but McGonagall stops me. Snape's lent over him with his wand out. Draco's quietly crying in pain. Snape, after a moment, moves from a crouch to standing. "Easy does it," he assures Draco and offers a hand to him. Snape pulls one of Draco's arms over his shoulder. I now get a good look at Draco. He's drenched in water, his shirts bloody, he's pale and his eyes are practically closed shut in exhaustion. I rush over to Draco. Miss. McGonagall tries to stop me again but fails. I pull his free arm over my shoulder catching his attention. He lazily looks up to me. More with his eyes then head.
"I'm so sorry," he mumbles to me. I shake my head to let him know he's alright.
"Let's just make sure you're alright."
"He will be," Snape says. "Once we get him to the hospital wing."
"Of course," I say.

We got Draco to the hospital wing fairly quickly, with the help of McGonagall, and now I'm waiting by his bed for him to wake up. I've got a book. It's kept me busy long enough but I want Draco to wake up so I know he's alright, and he can explain what the HELL he was doing fighting Harry. And once I'm done with him I'll-
"Hey," Draco's voice catches my attention from the book I was just staring at.
"Hey," I return his greet and set my book down. "How are you feeling?" I ask taking ahold of one of his hands. He smiles.
"I'm alright."
I stand, "Are you sure?" I ask. I push Draco's hair back with my hand and feel his forehead.
"Yeah," he answer. As soon as he says so I pull my hand back and cross my arms.
"Are you out of your mind?" I start. "You almost died? What is it with you two and fighting, just get over it." Draco rolls his eyes at me. "I'm serious, I don't want you hurt and that's all you seem to be aiming for."
"I get it," he huffs. "Calm yourself."
I sit again, "I can't believe you."
"You can't believe me? I didn't attack him in the first place." I raise my eyebrows. "Don't give me that look," he spits.
"Lose your attitude," I say, "or I'll leave you in this hospital bed to heal alone."
Draco's quick to shut up. I give him a short look of pity before getting up and kissing his cheek. "I'm going to go get Madam Pomfrey and tell her you're alright. Don't go anywhere."
"Don't plan on it," Draco remarks.

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