Chapter 21

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  I wake up in the guest room, surprisingly woken up by myself, but curl myself back into the bed. Last night was really nice, watching a movie, dancing, just being with Draco overall was great. We danced for a good while as well. Maybe a hour or so. I happened to get tired before Draco so he escorted me to this room where my bags were already awaiting me. I crashed pretty near immediately, this bed is comfy so I didn't have a problem sleeping.
  My eyes find a clock hung on the wall, 11:45am. It's a little early to be up considering what time it was when we went to bed. I sit up, stretch and get rid of the sleep on my face. I wonder if Draco is awake? I bring my feet to the floor and grab a blanket, turning myself into a burrito, before making my way into the hallway. It's empty and quiet so I try and stay quiet as well making my way to Draco's room. I'm too awkward and hungry to do anything else. I find his bedroom door, already open a crack, and knock. As I knock the door opens a little more.
  The quiet is strongly broken as Draco speaks, "What do you want?"
  Rude. I open the door more, still a burrito. "Good morning to you too," I say sarcastically. I see Draco's laying on his bed, a ball in his hand. He's throwing it up and catching it. I can see he's wearing a tshirt and jeans, that's a new sight.
  "Hey," he sits up into a crisscrossed position. "You look like you're cold, or" he breaths our heavily, " you didn't want to get up."
  I shrug, "Just cosy I guess. You look nice."
  "Thanks," Draco nods and pats his bed beside him. I take a seat and rearrange myself in the blanket. "How did you sleep?" he asks.
I hum for a second before I answer, "Pretty good, thank you."
  Draco kisses my head, "That's good. Are you hungry?" I nod but end up pressing my head into the bed, more tired then I thought I was. A hands placed on my back outside of the blanket. "Maybe you should sleep some more? 11 hours wasn't good enough." I can hear the mockery in his tone and look up to see the smirk that usually follows.
  "I like my sleep," I comment back. Before anyone talks again my stomach growls and I blush lightly in embarrassment.
  "Let's get some breakfast."

  After Draco and I ate, and I changed into something other then pjs, we made our way back to his room where we are sat talking as some TV channel is playing in the background. "-she's actually not as crazy as people make her out to be," I say. "She's actually really nice."
Draco hums letting
me know I can continue but, his bedroom door is knocked on. He rolls his eyes. "What is it?" A house elf enters the room. I greet it with a small hello and it shyly smiles at me.
"Malfoy Sir, you have a phone call."
"Who is it?" Draco practically spits.
"A friend from school, Sir."
Draco stands with a sigh and starts towards the door. "I'll be right back." I nod in response. I'm left in the room by myself so I turn my attention to the TV. Saved by The Bell is on. Of course they have America channels. I watch the screen for a very brief moment before getting up and hiding near the door, somewhere Draco won't see me as soon as he comes into the room. I sit quietly and wait for Draco to come back. Which doesn't take long. Footsteps approach the door and I'm called for. "(Y/N), did-" he stops himself. "(Y/N)?"
I pop out from my hiding spot and say 'boo', scaring Draco. I laugh as he jumps but his face quickly goes from sacred to mad and he pushes me up against the wall. I continue to laugh, too fair along to loose my happiness. When it, my laughter, does die out I connect eyes with Draco. "Hi," I greet with a smile.
  "Are you done?" he asks. I stay smiling but Draco's grip doesn't loosen until I stop. "Good," Draco backs off me. "Bianca called asking if I wanted to hang out with her and some others."
  "We can if you want to," I say. Draco's walked across the room and is into a dresser. I stay quiet and watch Draco while I pull at my tshits edge a little from Draco having me pinned on the wall.
  Draco turns and faces me. "Do you not want to go?" He's got a button up in his hand, half out of the dresser.
  "I didn't say that," I say.
  "No," he pushes the shit back into the drawer, "but you implied it."
  "How?" I ask in defence. Draco only sighs and closes the drawer. "I-I didn't say I didn't want to go. We can go if you want to, I'm just not making the choice myself."
  "Alright then." Draco opens the drawer again and pulls out the button up he previously had in his hand.
  "What do you guys usually do when you hang out?" I ask. Draco's grabbed pants and socks from his drawers.
  He looks to me again and sets his clothes on his bed. "I don't know." He pulls his shirt over his head and I quickly turn my attention to the floor. "Shy?"
  "Huh? I-. No, you're changing. I don't-"
  "You can look," he cuts me off. I'm so red, I can feel it to my ears. But, I look up to face his stare. He's buttoning up his shirt. "I don't have anything to hide from you."
  I smile shyly, "Maybe not but it's not like I should watch you change."
  "Why not? I'm sure you've seen other people change before."
  "Yeah," I answer. "But they're usually just the other girls in the same Hufflepuff room. Ones I've changed in front of for years."
  "What's a new face gonna hurt? Or should I say body?" Draco's smart remark make my blush redden. He starts to unbutton his pants.
  "Yeah, I'm just gonna go wait in the hall for you."

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