Chapter 16

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   We've watched as the seasons changed, rain; snow; and sunshine, watched people change and now, we're watching people leave.
Draco and I are using our last half an hour together to watch the castle in it's hurry in the field by the quidditch field. You can see students in the courtyard. Some yell every now and then but most of them are leaving the school and heading for the train. Today the grass is dry, freshly cut, and sweet smelling.
"I can't believe another year has gone by," I say breaking the silence we've held for the past 5 minutes or so.
"I know," Draco mumbles. We're sat on the ground, Dracos sat with a hand behind him holding himself up and the other resting on my hip. I've got my head in his lap and am laying on my side. "It's crazy."
I hum and close my eyes, enjoying the sun coming down on us. We're both in normal clothes, no longer having to wear our uniforms. "Are you gonna be able to deal with your long summer without me?" I ask.
"What do you mean? I'm going to see you at some point."
I look up to him, "Determined are we?" I mock.
He smiles, "Very. I told you I was going to take you swimming."
I roll my eyes, "It's not happening."
"It will," he's cocky. "Maybe you could come stay at mine for a week or so."
"Maybe," I agree. I really wouldn't be opposed.
"Then I could throw you in the pond," he teases.
"A pond?" I laugh.
"Or the pool."
I roll my eyes again, "Okay, I get it, yeah yeah. But, only throw me as far as you trust me."
"Then you're going far."
I smile , "Pfft, what's that supposed to mean?"
"That I trust you," Draco laughs.
"Right, of course it does." The train whistles, Draco and I hear it from afar and bolt up off the ground.
  "Come on," I'm closer to the school then Draco at first but he's quick to pass me.
  I giggle as I try and keep up, failing and getting out of breath quickly. Draco, probably a 15 feet away when he turns to see if I'm following. He runs over to me and tries to pick me up bridle style. "Stop," I squeal with a small smile. I try and stop him from picking me up but he stops himself noticing.
  "Don't be like that, we have to go."
  "You can't carry me," I spit and start to speed walk towards the train.
  Draco walks with me, "You just won't let me."
  "Haha," I say sarcastically, "I wish."
  Draco shakes his head, "Will you get on my back at least?"
  "Draco," I roll my eyes. We're halfway to the train by now and a second whistle goes off.
  "Come on," he's running at this point. I try and keep up, pushing myself to run until we reach Hogmead and then get on the train. We board and I fall to my knees. "Woah," Draco places a hand on my back. I look up to him and find him crouched. "You alright?"
I nod but he's quick to stand, I notice we're the only ones not in a seat or a booth. Draco offers his hand to me and I take it, "Thanks."
He nods, "I'll see you at platform 9 and 3/4."
"Yeah," I hum and kiss Draco's cheek, but he's quick to cup my cheeks and peck my lips a couples times in a row, giving me a smile before the last one.
"It won't be long," I tease.
  "Never is."

Green Grass and Old Parchment - Draco X Hufflepuff ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now