Chapter 24

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Sadly our fun game of sandman was cut sort due to someone's request for ice cream. Some of the group decided to head home leaving the number low, maybe three others plus Draco and I. We've almost made it to an ice cream shop, the suns starting to set. Today was actually super fun. Draco and I are walking behind the other three, they're in a deep conversation but Draco and I are quiet. He's got a hold on my hand and keeps glancing my way. "What?" I ask. "Is something the matter?"
He shakes his head, "No. You just seem a little on edge."
I shrug but before I can think too much about it Bianca's voice catches my attention. "-they even have lactose free ice cream, it's amazing!" She turns and starts to walk backwards, facing Draco and I. "So, (Y/N), did you enjoy yourself today?" Draco gets defensive and lets go of my hand, moving it to my side, the one opposite of him. Bianca could care less.
I nod, "Yeah, actually, I did. Thank you."
"Good, I'm glad to hear. You should hang out with us more often. I really like seeing you." I'm not too sure of what to make of that but I smile and thank her again. She turns back to the other two and engages back into their conversation.
"You can calm down," I say to Draco yet not looking at him. "I can feel the jealousy coming off you."
"I'm not jealous. I have nothing to be jealous of," he says.
"I mean it. She's just being too friendly to you and I don't like it."
"Why not?" I ask. "Why is it that it bothers you?" Draco stays quiet, not answering my question.
"Hey, I can see it from here. Oh, I can't wait." One of the three that are ahead of us is very clearly excited about ice cream, and honestly so am I.
We eventually reach the shop and get our ice cream, Draco being kind enough to pay for mine. I owe him. We all leave the shop eating our ice cream, the others talking and Draco and I creating a silence between us. Again. "Hey," I stop Draco and create some distance between us and the others. "What are we? Like," I sigh, "are we together? A-a couple, I mean."
Draco gives me a small nod. "Yeah, I'd hope so."
"Okay," I breath out in relief. "I just wasn't sure cause neither one of us officially asked, so..." I drag on.
Draco steps closer to me, "Well what would you say if I asked?"
"Asked what?" I smirk.
He looks from me, to his feet, and back to me. "Don't make me ask you. That's stuffs so cheesy and," he rolls his eyes, "gross."
I giggle a little, "Fine. Have it your way."
"Good. But, I would only imagine we're together by how much time we've spent together and all the things we've done."
"Oh yeah?" I ask with a smile.
He nods, "Like the things we've shared," he kisses my cheek.
I bite my lip and glance at the other three, I see Bianca is looking but Draco's too busy looking at me to notice. I guess I'm about to break someone's heart. I pull Draco into a kiss, just a small one as we still have ice cream in our hands. "The things we've shared like that?" I ask. He smiles and nods.
"Definitely things like that."
  We continue walking, reaching up to the others eventually. Before the sunsets completely gone we all finish our ice cream and make our ways home. Draco and I make it back to his, after calling for a ride, and are quick inside. Draco closes the front door behind us. "Maybe it was just me but Bianca seemed very quiet the rest of the night. Maybe her ice cream had a spell to shut her up," Draco says with a smile.
  "I wish I knew what it was, could use it on you."
  "What did you just say?" Draco scuffs but his smile remains. We hear a small chuckle from behind us and find Draco's mum.
  "You two have a good night?" she asks. Draco and I nod.
  "Yeah, it was great," Draco answers her.
  "Good," she smiles, "I'm glad to hear. Now, you two should get to bed, it'll be getting late soon."
  I nod and start towards the stairs, "Come on." I call for Draco and he follows. We make our way to his room, Draco closes the door behind us.
  "Wanna watch a movie?" Draco asks. I shake my head. "No? What do you wanna do then?"
  I take a seat on the end of Draco's bed and fall backwards. "I don't know."
  "Well," Draco laughs, "that's not a helpful answer." I roll my eyes but he's right. Draco sits beside me. "Did you enjoy your day?"
  "Draco, you're the 3rd person to ask me," I laugh out, "shouldn't you know?"
  He nods, "Maybe, but your answer could be different now that it's just you and I." He's serious.
  "It was good, I didn't lie to anyone about that."
  "But?" he asks.
  "There is no but."
  "No, but thank you for your concern," I smile, it's small but it's soft.

Green Grass and Old Parchment - Draco X Hufflepuff ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now