Chapter 38

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  Draco left the hospital wing fairly early, the next day, and it's all thanks to Snape. I don't know what would've happened to Draco if he wasn't there. Either way I'm very grateful. As the days pass Draco seems to be just as distant. At first I understood and was okay with it but now I'm worried. He shouldn't be alone, especially after what happened with him and Harry. Which, Harry didn't get into trouble for, it's stupid.
  Classes haven't been a struggle for me as much as finding people to hang around, as I'm not much a fan of Harry right now and that's the only group Luna seems to be around. So I've been stuck up in my common room reading and occasionally the library if I need a change of scenery. Speaking of that's where I am now, the library. I'm curled up in a chair with a hot cup of (tea/hot chocolate/coffee) and a book. I'm not always a big reader but recently I've really gotten into a new genre and I can't seem to get enough.
  "Look who it is, all curled up as usual."
  I slowly pull my eyes from my book and look up to the voice in front of me. "Hey, Neville."
  He smiles, "I'm just asking around, I've lost my potions book and can't seem to remember where I've misplaced it."
  I think for a moment. Have I seen it? "Have you checked the classroom, maybe it's there."
  "Yeah, first place I've checked."
  "Well then, I'm not sure..." I hum. "What about the grand hall, did you bring it with you during lunch or dinner?"
  "No," he looks disappointed. "Wait, actually I did. I was studying at lunch. It's probably there, thanks." He flashes me a quick smile before leaving the library. After he's out of view I scan the room and find it empty apart from myself. Wow, is it really that late? I find the nearest clock, which happens to be a grandfather clock, and find it's almost 12:00am. "Shit," I curse myself and get up from my spot. I grab my now cold drink and head out of the room, but I round the corner too fast and bump into someone. I spill my drink down the front of them. "Oh my, I am so sorry." I start to apologize but they assure me it's alright.
  "Hey, don't worry."
  I smile up at the boy, "Hey." It Draco. My quaint happiness to see him is suddenly turned to sadness. "You've been ignoring me again," I pout.
  Draco loses his smile as well. "And I'm sorry for it."
  "Draco," I scold.
  "I know," he holds up his hands which brings me back to his wet shirt.
  "Whatever, let's not worry about that right now. You need to change."
  He nods, "Right." I start to walk towards the stairs. "Hey," Draco follows, "why are you out so late?"
  "I must've gotten distracted."
  "With what?"
  I smile, "Reading."
  "Reading?" I nod. "Reading what?"
  "It doesn't matter, it's just fiction novels."
   Draco hums in amusement but I'm not sure what about. We eventually reach the Slytherin entrance. "Here," I start to unbutton Draco's shirt, "I'll take this and you go to bed. Like you said it's late."
  "Woah, hold on there," Draco takes a hold of my hands. His shirts halfway unbuttoned. "You don't have to undress me."
  "Well I spilt my drink all over you, and you weren't taking it off fast enough."
  Draco smirks, "Right. Well then, be my guest." I unbutton the rest of his shirt and he takes his arms out. "Here," he hands me the shirt. I take it.
  "Now, promise me you'll go straight to bed? I don't care what shenanigans you were up to right now as long as you sleep."
  "Are you my wife?"
  "Excuse me?" I ask offendedly. I'm not offended that he called me his wife but that he asked in such tone, like I can't help him.
  "I asked if you were my wife."
  "I heard what you said," sigh, "I'm just being nice."
  "Take it or leave it Mr.Malfoy," I tease.
  He nods with a smirk, "Oh, I'll definitely take." I roll my eyes and scuff slightly at his behaviour. He wraps his arms around me and looks down the hall we just walked down. Being this close to him while he's shirtless brings a blush to my cheeks. "Thank you." I nod and pull away so my head isn't on his chest but we're still in a hug. Draco moves his hands to my bum.
  "Draco," I lazily scold with a small smile. He laughs quietly and pulls away. "Goodnight." I start towards the stairs again.
  "Wait," Draco stops me. I turn. "I need a week."
  "Just give me a week alone, no matter what. After that I'm all yours. Promise."
  "Why?" I ask. "That's so long."
  Draco reaches me and whispers. "I need to make sure Bella doesn't hurt you. A-and The Dark Lord can't know I have someone holding me back."
  "I can't be the only thing holding you back," I state. Draco stays quiet but I am right. I ponder for a moment before I give him an answer. "I-... Sure, yeah. I'll try, but only one week ."
  Draco reaches me and kisses me, "Thank you, baby."

Green Grass and Old Parchment - Draco X Hufflepuff Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें