Chapter 22

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  We made it out of the house fairly quickly, besides Draco having to fight his father on it. Apparently to Lucius, Draco doesn't need to leave as he already has a friend over. But, we got out and are on our way to the downtown area. I'm sat near the window, Draco in the middle seat. Before we left he switched at the last minute. The car ride has been fairly quiet for the first little bit but Draco decides to change that. "Are you mad at me?"
  I look his way, changing my gaze from the window to him. "No."
  "Well you seem like it. Is it because I started changing in front of you?" I shake my head no. "I was going to say, that's quite a stupid reason to be mad." It goes quiet for another moment. "Why are you upset then?"
  "I'm not?" I say. It's so obvious I am, I said it in the most basic tone.
  "You are," Draco pushes.
  "I'm just not very found of being shoved into the wall."
  Draco rolls his eyes, "You tried to scare me and I didn't like it."
  "Well then use your words, don't be so hard on me!" my voice raises. I take a breath and apologize for yelling. "Sorry." Yet again it grows quiet. I move my now angry gaze out of the window again. Draco sighs but stays quiet. I watch as buildings zoom by and then the car eventually comes to a stop. "Hey." Draco tries to get my attention. When I don't answer he places his hand on my leg. I face him and glare. He moves his hand but speaks again. "I'm sorry for pushing you into the wall, alright? It was my first reaction. I didn't mean to upset you."
  I nod, "Okay." The door beside me opens and I exit, Draco following. He takes my hand into his and we walk into a small café. It's very cute and is painted with warm tones.
  "Hey, there he is." Some boy in a group is quick to announce Draco and I as we enter the café. There's a group of kids around my age sat on some couches in the front of the café, most of them are boys though. Draco gives a small greeting to the group and then takes my hand, brining me to an empty couch. We sit. I feel so out of place. The others here are, for the most part, dressed fancy. Example, Draco's in his usual suit and so are most of the other boys.
  "What took you two so long?" one boy says.
  "My father," Draco says rolling his eyes. "Where's Bianca, wasn't she the one who called us all here?"
  "Right here." I turn to face the girl that just walked into the café. "Oh, hey. (Y/N) right?" I nod. "I'm glad to see again."
  "Thanks," I smile shyly.
  "She's actually staying up at mine," Draco butts in.
  "Oh yeah?" Bianca clearly doesn't care.
"Yeah, and we've had lots of fun."
"That's great," Bianca smiles.
"Yeah," Draco gives one last attempt before Bianca changes the conversation. I don't pay much attention to it as my eyes find the café's counters. I can see a bunch of deserts behind the counter. They have cookies, doughnuts, cinnamon buns; they have so much. I'm starting to get hungry.
To make it seem like I'm not looking at the food, I keep moving my eyes around the room. It makes me feel self conscious, being caught looking. But, long and behold, a hand is placed on my leg. "Hey," it's Draco. "You alright?" I look towards him and nod. "Not still mad are you?" he asks. I shrug. "Look," he glances at the group of others and lowers his voice, "I apologized already."
  "I know," I nod. "I'm not mad." He scrunches his nose at me, only slightly, and searches my eyes.
  "Then what's wrong?"
  I look down at my hands but back up to Draco, "I'm just starting to get hungry. It's not a big deal."
  "Do you want me to get you something?" Draco asks. I shake my head no but he stands anyways.
  "Draco, don't," I try and stop him. He looks down at me.
  "Are you sure, I will get you something if you want?"
  I nod, "Just sit down, please." I hear someone snicker, I look towards the group. A boy has a smirk on his lips and is slouched back into a chair.
  "Look at you," he's talking to Draco, "acting like some dog to her."
  "Enough, Fredrick," Bianca scolds. Slytherins really are full of themselves, aren't they? Well at least these few are.
  The boy, Fredrick, raises his hands up in defence. "Alright," is all he says. Draco takes his seat beside me again and takes my hand into his. The group talks and jokes with each other for a good while before someone suggests getting food.
  "Maybe we head to that diner closer to the mall," someone says. Draco turns to me and asks with his eyes, 'would that be alright?', but I don't answer him so he asks.
  "Are you still hungry? Would it be alright if we all went to eat?" I nod in response. "'Kay."
  The group, including Draco and I all get up and head out.

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