Chapter 23

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   After eating we all went to a park, it was fairly empty except for a couple toddlers over in a sand pit building some sand castles. So, the group I'm with chose to hang out on the bigger pieces of equipment. Some are on the monkey bars and some on the slides and stuff. I'm on a swing by myself. I could use the break from the loud group of Slytherins. It wasn't very long, though, before I'm being called for. "Come on, we're playing Sandman," someone calls.
I stay on the swing and hope I don't actually have to play. As much as I am a child at heart I'd rather not play with this group, I feel like some of them, if not most, would cheat. Before I can escape from playing my eyes catch a figure coming my way. "Coming? It'll be fun, come on." It's Draco.
"Do I have to?" I ask. He nods. "Do you guys even play fair?"
"Don't be dramatic," Draco rolls his eyes.
"Like anyone else here wouldn't." Draco ignores me and I get off the swing. We come up to the group of others, someone's explaining the game.
"-so one player is it and they have to close their eyes. They search around the playground looking for others. It's sorta like Marco Polo but on land. And if you hear someone on the ground and off the equipment you can call 'Sandman' and than they're it. Oh, and you have to spin three times before you start, so close your eyes and then spin. Alright?"A few others nod and some agree with a yes. "Let's go." The person who explained the game volunteered to be 'it' first. The first few rounds were pretty easy, people would laugh or 'ooo' when seekers would get close to someone and overall it was fun. But, as soon as someone found Draco, it was game time.
I'm hiding on some monkey bars with some other person, they're closer to the rest of the equipment making it easier for them to escape if we had to. We all watch as Draco tries to tag someone, he even attempts to call Sandman a couple times but no one is caught. He makes his way through the play set and towards the monkey bars. My once hanging legs are pulled up towards me and I assume out of Draco's reach. He reaches the monkey bars and the other person who was once up on the monkey bars is fast to hop off them and onto the ground. Draco calls out, "Sandman!" He was too slow, you'd think he's get them.
It's quiet. "No one?" he asks. A few people are quick to answer him with a no, so he resumes his search. Draco reaches me, only he's under me. I smile and hold back a laugh. It's so hard not to laugh. He's so close to me, yet so oblivious. I let out a small noise from holding back my laughs. God, this is it for me. I cover my mouth as Draco looks directly up at me. "How's the view?" he smirks.
I slowly start to make my way toward the way off the monkey bars when Draco reaches for where I was. "Where'd you go?" I almost lose it, he's so close to me. If he gets me I'm gonna have to be it and I really don't want to be. As Draco moves towards me, again, I move back to my original spot, hoping he doesn't notice. As I near where I was one of my hands slip and I bang my elbow off one of the bars, hitting my funny bone. I grab onto my elbow as it starts to tingle. Pins and needles.
  "Are you alright?" Someone calls towards me and I make eye contact with Bianca. I nod as I bite down on my lower lip to keep quiet.
  "Hey," it's Draco. He's got his eyes open and is looking at me. "You alright? You want some help down?" I shake my head.
  "I'm alright, thanks."
  "Come on, Draco, spin again!" Someone calls so Draco does,  spinning three times before starting again. He leaves me be and starts towards the bigger equipment again, in hopes to find someone else.

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