Chapter 8

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I wake up on my own and check the clock on my bedside table. It's 8:30am, so I roll in my bed and get comfy. Well, until it hits me. My first class starts at 9:00. I get out of bed, quickly, and rush to get dressed. I ignore putting any socks on and just grab my skirt, which is probably against the dress code but I could care less at this moment. I pack up anything I need to and head for the dining hall.
  As I enter the dining hall I notice it's practically empty, only a few kids here and there. I curse myself but see a familiar looking blond still sat at the Slytherin table. I reach the table and take a seat. "Get out of here, Hufflepuff." I'm greeted by a Slytherin I don't know, but they grab the attention of a few others left at the table, including Draco.
  "Where were you?" Draco scolds me.
  I lay my head on the table, "Sleeping."
  "How did you manage that?" he asks.
  "Must've taken a lot if you can sleep through your whole breakfast hour," another Slytherin teases. I ignore it and close me eyes, still tired.
  "Here," Draco stands, "I'll get you something to eat." I try and stop him but he's already up so I thank him as he walks off. As soon as he's gone a couple other Slytherin scoot over to where I am.
  "Eh, stay away from Draco," I pull my head up off the table. "You're making him soft."
  "Yeah," another chimes in, "he's always a 'mister nice guy' to you. We don't like it."
  I roll my eyes at the other boys and lay my head back down. "Don't roll your eyes at us," the first day one says. He hits his palm on the table to keep me awake. "Draco wouldn't like it."
  "I'll tell ya what he'd certainly not like, his little Hufflepuff getting picked on," the second snickers.
  "Fuck off," I mumble.
  They 'oooo'. "Did someone finally learn their big girl words?" the second asks.
  I'm about to get up from the table when Draco gets back. "Enough you two. Learn to shut your mouths," he says.
  They listen but keep their smiles, telling me they don't care about what they've said. "Here," Draco says sliding a plate my way as he sits back down.
  "Thanks," I say. "By they way, you're 'goons'  have come off their leads."
  "Just ignore them, they don't know their place," he glares at the two other boys.

  I ate as quickly as I could before 9:00 hit, but I only made it to class in the last seconds. The first half of the day went by fairly quickly, as I usually don't see anyone I know till lunch, where I'm headed now. I'm walking the halls alone, it's actually fairly quiet. Every now and then I'll come across a few kids sat in the hallway instead of the dining hall.
Eventually I reach the dining hall and find my way to the Gryffindor table where Luna is. She's sat with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. "Hello," Luna greets me as I sit.
The other three don't pay too much attention to my presents, they're too deep in conversation over the new Dark Arts teacher Ms. Umbridge. Honestly, she's terrifying. "You're not going to sit with Draco?" Luna asks.
I shake my head no. "I didn't see him when I walked in."
"Oh, maybe he's busy," she shrugs.
Lunas pulled into a conversation with Hermione and I'm left to talk with myself, so I let my eyes wonder around the room. Seriously, no sign of Draco?
I finish eating quickly so I can attempt to find him, but I barely make it out of the door before he finds me. "What are you doing sitting with Potter?" he spits.
I roll my eyes, "I was sitting with Luna. It's not like you were anywhere to be seen." We're stood outside the dining hall door having our conversation. A few kids leave from the hall before one of us starts talking again.
"I don't want to see you with them again."
"Oh, so I can't sit with Luna anymore because you don't like it?" I ask.
"Yes," he answers.
"Draco, you do not get to choose who I sit with and who I can't sit with. You're not my boyfriend."
"He better not be," someone interrupts us. A girl comes from behind me, out of the dining hall, and moves behind Draco. She rubs a hand down his shoulder and then his chest. Disgusting. I start to gain a temper.
Draco shakes the girl off, "Get out of here, Pansy."
"Well, are you?" Pansy asks. "Are you her boyfriend?"
"No, and I'm not yours either so go away," Draco spits.
"Oh bugger off, Draco," she scolds him yet I can tell she's not mad at him. But she does listen and walks back into the dining hall.
Draco still holds a scowl on his face and looks back at me. "Don't sit with him at lunch, I don't like it."
I cross my arms over my chest. "Jealous?"
"No," he spits. "Potter isn't someone to be jealous of and he isn't someone you should follow. He's already got enough people to follow him around."
"As if you don't," I state.
Draco scoffs but grabs my arm, "Hey," I protest but he only drags me toward the dungeons. He drags me all the way to the Slytherin common room, saying the password "mudblood" and bringing into the no longer secret common.
He lets go of me, "What is this all about?" I ask. "You know I'm not supposed to be in here." He scouts the common room before sitting down on one of the couches.
"You get that I like you, right?" Draco asks ignoring my question. I nod. "Then why are you being so difficult?" He's mad.
"I'm not," I answer.
"You are. You said I have two months to get to know you before the dance and then I can take you."
"I said you could ask me again," I correct him.
"Well, it's been a month." I nod. "A month and you're still not close to me?"
  "What?" I'm totally confused.
  "I've been nice to you, I've let you in, let you kiss me," he huffs, "What more do you want?"
  "I can't see what you're trying to get at," I say.
  Draco sighs and slouches forward on the couch, "I like you." He's hunched over his hands in his lap.
  "I know."
  He stands and kicks the coffee table, "And I don't know how to feel about it."
  "Never had a crush before?" I ask. It comes of as a tease but I don't mean it to be.
  He looks from the floor to me. "Of course I have."
  "Well..?" I ask.
  "Just not one like you."

Green Grass and Old Parchment - Draco X Hufflepuff ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now