Abhimanyu's Diary (Part XI): Geetacharya's Provision of Gyan

Start from the beginning

*Janardhana – the one who bestows boons

*Kaar Muhil Vanna – the one whose dark complexion resembles the darkness of rainclouds

*Kalmashaheena – one who is sinless

*Mukhunda – one who provides liberation

*Geetacharya – the one who spoke the Geeta Upadesha to Arjuna on the Kurukshetra battlefields

Names of Arjuna used in this part:

*Partha – meaning 'son of Pritha (birth name of Kunti)'

*Dhananjaya – meaning 'the one who conquered wealth and gold'

*Mahanayak – the great hero/protagonist

*Brihannala – the name and eunuch form adorned by Arjuna during the 13th year exile of the Pandavas

**For more information on other terms already mentioned in previous chapters - please refer to the Glossary section in the respective chapters!

**IMPORTANT: This part of the chapter addresses a complex and sensitive topic that has been debated for decades or even beyond. This is solely my small and humble attempt at tackling a small portion of it for the purpose of this story. I attempted my best at adhering to the words of Shri Krishna's Geeta Upadesha (from the Bhagavad Gita), and justifying/explaining it, through examples and scenarios, to support the plot of the story. I would like to apologize in advance if I end up negatively impacting the feelings of any of my readers - as I do understand we all may have different opinions. Please feel free to comments your thoughts and opinions in a respectful manner! Thank you and I hope you enjoy this part :)

"When the kala chakra, binding each and every beat of this universe and its inhabitants, itself dances to the tunes of its creator...why repeatedly take the blame on your shoulder, oh sinless one?"

Arjuna held Krishna's compassionate gaze with his watery one, as he observed a smile playing on the lips of Manohara, who witnessed the exalting sense of security fall over his dearest Dhananjaya. Neither did his lips part, nor did any sound escape them, yet the eyes of Partha spoke volumes to the one who held his heart since time immemorial.

'You came for me, Madhava. You came for your Partha.'

'Did you even dare to expect otherwise, Partha!' mentally chuckled Vasudeva Krishna as he regarded his eternal companion with mischief filled orbs. 'Believe me, I have never even run after makhan (butter) filled pots as fast as I run towards those who call out 'Krishna' once with a heart abounding in love.'

"Vasudeva! When did you arrive, Son? I did not even receive you properly!" exclaimed Kunti as she hurriedly moved towards her admirable nephew, who bent down to receive her blessings.

Wiping away the endless tears streaming down her cheeks, her aged hands shook while grasping the broad shoulders of the one who has no beginning or end, as she gently raised him to a stand on his lotus-like feet, clothed by shining golden footwear. As the petal-like palm that provides all for the sustenance of the universe and its inhabitants, let itself softly graze her wrinkled cheeks, Kunti found herself breaking down into breathtaking sobs once again – considering the present state of her family.

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