Chapter 18: Let Me Go

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Levy's P.O.V.

I felt the air rush through my hair, my dress flowing in the wind. I closed my eyes and braced myself for whatever came at me. I could tell I was getting closer to the ground as I heard the screams of panicked people running away from the scene; they kept getting louder and louder, and I kept getting closer and closer.

It's been minutes, now seconds later before I'll crush into the ground at breaking speed.

I inhaled deeply as I felt the rush end. My body stopped falling;

But I didn't feel any pain.

I opened my eyes confused. What I saw wasn't me looking at the sky paralyzed. What I felt wasn't wasn't every bone in my body break, with warm blood drenching my clothing.

What I saw was a man gripping me in his strong hold. What I felt was his arms around me and his beating chest. I pulled away from the man once I realized who he was.


I looked at him tears welling down my face. Why did he have to save me? It was an obvious suicide but he prevented me from doing it.

"Why did you save me?" I asked.

He gave me a confused look like it was the most obvious thing ever.

"Cause you would've died." he spoke.

Yeah that's kinda the point, stupid.

"You don't even know who I am! What reason did you have to save me!"

He looked at me coldly. "If you want to die so bad then get up there and try again." He said as he turned around.

"I will." Even though I knew the answer I asked anyways. "Will you save me again?"

"Yes, dipshit."

I turned around, shocked from his words. "Why?! You don't even know who I am!" I yelled.

"You seem to know who I am!" Gajeel yelled. "And you must of hated me or some shit cause you're being a real bitch." He muttered under his breath.

"What!" I looked at him angrily. "I never hated you!"

Suddenly they both heard the conductor speak in his big megaphone.

"Attention! Attention! We will be departing in 10 minutes! I repeat: we will be departing in 10 minutes!"

Gajeel grabbed my wrist and started walking. "Let's get on the damn train."

I stood there, not sure wither to move or not. Then he snapped me out of my thoughts with his words.

"Let's go, Levy."

I thought that was the last time I'd hear my name...

...I thought. But I was wrong.

Here's another chapter, this is probably the quickest I've ever updated! I was so excited to write this part! I added this song cause it also fits. Ughh! DANGGIT DEMI!

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