Chapter 9: Dare or Death

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Chapter 9: Dare or Death

"Time for order two" Elliot said unsure if he even should say it. After that performance you can't blame him. "So this is what that old lady meant" Levy said. She looked over and saw Gajeel in his normal clothes. "When did you change!?" she questioned. "Ten seconds ago, more importantly, look up there." Levy followed those directions and looked up. She saw a 2 printed on the enchantment.

"That must be how many orders we have left!" Levy said.

"Yeah I know, Lily you can do the next order."

"Okay, what is it?" the black cat asked.

"Don't know" Gajeel responded.

"I'll tell you" Elliot interrupted.

Lily looked up and saw him smirking. "You have to fight, Polka-Dot."

"That couldn't sound any more stupid."

"SHUTUP! You won't be saying that once you see him ya' dinky cat!" yelled Elliot.

At that moment an average sized man with blue polka-dots on his outfit (and green ones on his face) walked in the half-broken store. "You gotta fight me now you dinky cat!" He said. He walked in the enchantment and right when he was going to hit Lily with his walking stick Panther Lily turned big and socked him in the face.

"AHHH!" he screamed in fright.

"DINKY CATS NOT DINKY ANYMORE!" Polka-Dot yelled while running.

"Coward, come and fight!" Lily screamed while punching him in the stomach.

After he was defeated Lily poofed back into a cute, little, exceed. "Gehee that's my cat!" Gajeel said laughing at everyone's shocked faces. "Look there's only one order left!" Levy exclaimed happily.

'S**t, this was supposed to embarrass them! They look like they haven't had this much fun in there entire life!'

"Hurry up and say the last dare, I AM HUNGRY!" Gajeel yelled while rubbing his stomach.

"This isn't a game of truth or dare!" Elliot yelled.

"Oh, it isn't, seems pretty entertaining to me!" He started laughing even harder.

"Gajeel don't make him mad!" Levy yelled.

"You should listen to your girlfriend!" Elliot said.




"I heard you but what do you mean by no?"

"I. Mean. No."

"No, what?"


"I got that same reaction, don't ask Gajeel the same question more than 3 times" Levy said with her eyes closed.

"Hmm, you seem to know this moron a lot" Elliot said with a smirk.

"I've thought of a perfect dare for you."

Okay so comment what you want the DARE TO BE!

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