Chapter 21: The Jerk Is Back In Town

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A/N: Too lazy to censor curse words.

'Thinking, thinking... what has happened in the past that was significant.'

I put my best thinking face on and looked over at my guild mate-whether he remembered or not he still was. I thought about everything that happened in the past that involved him. I grazed over the thoughts of him joining the guild, of him fighting at Tenrou Island everything. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I felt someone waving they're hand in front of me.

"Huh?" I shook my head back in fourth looking everywhere. "I said 'Sorry about molesting you.'" I looked at him deciphering what he just said. I noticed his drifting gaze as he looked out the window- not daring to look at me. "It's okay, and besides, you only did it because I was so embarrassed about that book, I cast a spell on you, y'know."

Cue the awkward silence.

Gajeel had a blank expression. "YOU DID WHAT-"

"WHAT ARE YOU BITCHES DOING HERE?!" Yelled an awfully familiar voice. In fact, I'd say that person is the main reason we got stuck into this mess.


He started crying at the sight of us. His nose kept running and he kept sniffing like he had stage 4 flu.

"How are you love birds doing?"

I rolled my eyes. 'That jerk has got some nerve.' I thought.

"Go away now and we might not kill you." Gajeel spoke staring daggers into him.

"Shutup! Bitch!" He screamed making a scene.

Gajeel sighed. "For fucks sake."

Elliot started writing with his sword. "How about I make another enchantment! And this time I'll let you fools go to second base! You like that?"

"Solid Script: Copper!" After she spoke those words, copper; in the shape of the word copper, fell on his back. "Why would we sit here and let you do that?!" Levy yelled while blushing.

"Besides, we don't need to be in a enchantment to fuck."

"Yeah- WHAT?"

The chapter you've all been begging for. I'm sorry it took so long. Major writers block, I felt the story was getting boring and it annoyed me. So I reread all my chapters and comments. It helped! So fricking much! So I'm here thanking everyone who commented on my story. Thank you my lovelies.

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